Alan Carr: hair transplant


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Apparently he got one.




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i sort of noticed this as well 5 years ago when he started on t.v his hair was slightly worse than it is now although i would not have guessed h.t because it still looks sh*t


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Good spot, could be one of three things,


Most likely a H/T, looks pretty good too.


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Most likely a H/T, looks pretty good too.

I agree. Relatively conservative hairline, decent coverage, probably has grafts in the bank to sort out the crown if he needs.

Farjo perhaps?

Highest-rated comments are:

Good luck to him, if you've got the money then why not, i dont think it's being vain, i think it must be an awful feeling to lose your hair for both men and woman, so if they can get it back go for it!!!

i see no problem with it, its just like getting your teeth fixed, your skin treated, your eyes lazered

So what! If it's acceptable for women to change their hair colour and style every week, add extensions and hairpieces, why shouldn't men get a little help if they feel so self-conscious?

Personally, I couldn't care less how much hair a man has on his head (as long as it's not a comb-over!), but if Alan wanted a weave, then that's his prerogative. He's got quite a flamboyant character anyway, so I'm sure a bit of extra hair can't offend!

What's vain about wanting to look your best. He looks fab!


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In the paper today a spokesman for him claimed "he finds it hilarious that people think he's had a hair transplant".


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100% obvious that hes taken some steps to improve his hairline when you consider how it was before. dunno why hes denying it, it looks pretty damn good + hes always been relatively vocal about his hairloss.

good for him.
even if he is annoying


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Saw his show last night, it did'nt look like in that pic, still a NW3 at least. I think that pic could be a photoshop.


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s.a.f said:
Saw his show last night, it did'nt look like in that pic, still a NW3 at least. I think that pic could be a photoshop.
you sure it wasnt a prerecorded show from before?


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No its the new series, shows are probably taped about a few days in advance.

Nashville Hairline

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Would love it of the Daily Mail Hairline Police were wrong on this one. c****.

I haven't seen his show recently but he's a busy man, I dont think he's been out of the limelight long enough to have gotten a hair transplant.


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His hair is certainly better then a few years back.
I heard somewhere he uses a series of natural products like teas etc for his hairloss.
Not that I belive it, probably got on propecia last year or so, and added some concelear.


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I'd say it's definitely not a hair transplant. He actually mentioned it on his chat show and found it hysterical. His hair looks thicker, but the hairline is the same. It's probably a concealer if anything.