ALCOHOL for better bloodcirculation of the scalp ??


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i saw the other day mythbusters where they did an experiment to test if cognac would help if your bodytemperature gets low in cold locations...

they did the test with internal heatscanner (pil)
and heatsensor on a cam...

now when they got really cold there blood goes more inside the internal organs , so there skin gets cold, and they checked it with the heatsensor on the cam
now after 1 glass cognac the blood flows wright under the skin again, results where good , not recommended sinds in cold places your blood in the skin would cool even more...
but whats intresting was that the bloodflow under the skin increased verry mutch...

sinds alcohol wides the bloodvessels... and increase the bloodflow under the skin
and in a way alcohol breaks down testosteron a little....

so would it make a diffrence to drink a little cognac before going to sleep ?
it was just on my mind sinds i saw that show...

any comments ?
maybe 2 beers every night ? my doctor says its healty to drink every day a beer , max 2 ... more would be harmfull again... dose dependant you can say
also theres one person at my work who lost his hair fast , but now he drinks every day (you can say hes a drunkass now...) and his hairloss has halted as far as i could see... i would say his crown is thicker again (hes not on any meds...) and he got a norwood 3 with a thin crown thats fuller again...


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Most of us use already alcohol-based topicals in our scalp.

But androgenic alopecia is not caused by bad blood flow, since women never go bald even if you improve the flow a lot, it will not have much impact.


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Alcohol based topicals don't get you drunk man, alcohol only dilates blood vessels if it goes systemic by drinking it. And women go bald too, just in a different pattern. I got drunk the other day and I swear my head was burning hot. Also slowing down your breathing increases blood CO2, which is a vasodilator and counterintuetively helps the circulation.