Alcohol for Topical


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Chujgcha said:
What source do you think would be the most effective and less harsh on the scalp? I am stirring up some 2% spironolactone.

60 ml bottle

12x 100mg Aldactone+ 32ml Alcohol (source???)+12ml distilled water+12ml of glycerine

one more question what good is the distilled water? As i understand it spironolactone is not water soluable.

Look up a topic by Matgallis and Bryan......they have a how to thread for homemade sprio not to long ago,.


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I don't know about alcohol for a topical but I consume vast quantities of alcohol orally without a big problem. Does give me headaches on occasion the morning after.


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bryan said:
Here's how I make my handy-dandy Dermovan-based 3% spironolactone cream:

I only make 20 grams at a time, because of potential odor problems from larger amounts sitting around unused. (I personally have never had any problems with this, but why take a chance?)

I use a 50 ml glass beaker for mixing, which is ideal for this purpose. I've previously marked the beaker at the 20 ml point, so I just fill it to this point with an even level of Dermovan (we're not mixing rocket fuel for the Space Shuttle; it doesn't have to be exact). Next I take six 100 mg spironolactone tablets and finely powder them with a mortar and pestle, then add the powder to the beaker. I thoroughly mix it by stirring with a small kitchen knife. It's amazing how well the powder is "dissolved" into the Dermovan. The resulting mixture is absolutely smooth and homogeneous, with no detectable traces of tablet excipients.

Afterwards, I scoop the contents out of the beaker using the kitchen knife and deposit it into my storage container, which is an empty 25 ml Proxiphen vial (also perfect for this purpose). I keep it in the refrigerator.

The whole process is cheap, fast, and fun. No fuss, no muss.


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