All Natural Approach


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I have just noticed that I am starting to thin. (Bummer huh!!!) I can only tell when my hair is wet or if do some kind of part in my hair. I would like to go the route of the herb approach or basically stay away from Propecia(and the others). I read about Revivogen which most people did not see as a working option. I am going to order Folligen this week and am currently use Nizoral. I saw the mention of Zix, (which is a homemade solution using Zinc sulphate and Vitamin B6) on one of the discussion threads. I have also seen an ad for NuHair. It has Saw Palmetto, biotin, tocopherol acetate, and so on...

I am considering just using 2 % Rogaine to maintain my hair but you all the "experienced experts"....

What do you think would be the best plan of attack??



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well, im a bit confused. You start off by saying you want to go the "natural" route, but end in saying you are considering Minoxidil. :roll:

If you are considering using minoxidil, you should just start the Finasteride, Minoxidil, Nizoral combo. Finasteride is just a pill taken once daily and if your worried about side effects, hence "the natural route", the chances of you having serioius side effects is like 2/100 or something. a chance but alot of us have been on it and are doing just fine. thats my advice.

Nothing beats proven results!!


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ChiaHead said:
well, im a bit confused. You start off by saying you want to go the "natural" route, but end in saying you are considering Minoxidil. :roll:

If you are considering using minoxidil, you should just start the Finasteride, Minoxidil, Nizoral combo. Finasteride is just a pill taken once daily and if your worried about side effects, hence "the natural route", the chances of you having serioius side effects is like 2/100 or something. a chance but alot of us have been on it and are doing just fine. thats my advice.

Nothing beats proven results!!

Side note. The side effects I experienced 3 days after starting Saw Palmetto were FAR more dramatic then the side effects I experienced 3 days after starting Propecia.


Titans said:
I have just noticed that I am starting to thin. (Bummer huh!!!) I can only tell when my hair is wet or if do some kind of part in my hair. I would like to go the route of the herb approach or basically stay away from Propecia(and the others). I read about Revivogen which most people did not see as a working option. I am going to order Folligen this week and am currently use Nizoral. I saw the mention of Zix, (which is a homemade solution using Zinc sulphate and Vitamin B6) on one of the discussion threads. I have also seen an ad for NuHair. It has Saw Palmetto, biotin, tocopherol acetate, and so on...

I am considering just using 2 % Rogaine to maintain my hair but you all the "experienced experts"....

What do you think would be the best plan of attack??


What is natural about all of the substances that you are planning to drop on your head? I would suggest that you read all of the material on this website's research section and then come back with some specific questions.

BTW- I would second the experience that Saw Palmetto caps can generate side effects just like or worse than finasteride. The reality is that natural is not automatically benign!


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Titans -

The advice given above by the others is sound. Just to add to it, your freedom to opt for unproven products to treat your hair loss is something we support and protect here on as long as you're aware of the lack of study data or evidence that they will do anything to help. Thats the main risk you run, and if you're aware of that, then more power to ya. :)

I would personally opt for Tricomin over Folligen as it at least has some clinical data backing its effectiveness, and it was reported zero side effects.

Aside from this, the guys are right, the term 'natural' is sometimes misunderstood as safer or side-effect-free, when in actuality it can really just mean unregulated and ineffective.

They're a great addition to a proven treatment regimen for someone willing to pay the extra money and put in the extra time, to try and see if they attain *better* results ... or for those who want to go the non-proven route and are aware of the risks.


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We've moved this to the unproven thread but left a copy of it here for future browsers of this forum.


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Hi i have heard about the plants called aloe vera can help to thicken our hair as well as help the regrowth of our hair. Is it true ? does anyone everr heard of that natural medication?


Fandy said:
Hi i have heard about the plants called aloe vera can help to thicken our hair as well as help the regrowth of our hair. Is it true ? does anyone everr heard of that natural medication?

No proof that aloe alters the course of male pattern baldness. Nice cosmetic agent and likely to improve appearance, assuming you are not allergic to it.

"Natural " methods to fight male pattern baldness are likely to leave you most disappointed.