all natural: it's working for me


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I've posted before about being a firm believer that natural products can actually reverse hair loss.
I've tried different regimens over the past year and I added 2 new things (while dismissing 2 others), and lo and behold, in one month, velllus hairs all over the crown and temples. I'm staying hopeful that they develop into terminals, so a few more months of discipline are in order.

What works (FOR ME...let's emphasize that one as we all know what works for one doesn't work for another).

-PURE ALOE VERA GEL ('Lily of the Desert' brand)
-DAILY MULTIVITAMIN (New Chapter "One Man's Daily")
-TURMERIC supplement (New Chapter "Turmeric Force")
-APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (Bragg's organic with 'the mother')

The vitamin and turmeric tablet, obviously, taken orally, daily.
ACV, 2 tsp mixed with green juice every morning, first thing.

Straight out of the shower, hair and scalp still damp, a few drops of EMU oil, enough to cover the crown, the top and temples. Add a few drops of cayenne tincture, not too much as it's really concentrated, followed by a few drops of rosemary oil. The key factor here, which is something I wasn't doing diligently enough before and could be why all of a sudden I'm noticing the difference....MASSAGE YOUR SCALP! Not with your nails, only the tip of your finger and rub all that stuff in, gently, pushing and pulling the scalp, from the side, the back, the top, you can feel it moving, allowing all those nutrients to penetrate better, it will tingle a little and it feels great, also helping the nutrients from the inside your system to reach the follicles due to the increased blood flow to the scalp.

Nothing (and I mean nothing; wether you go all natural or prefer the Rog-ecia approach), will ever show results unless you massage your scalp vigorously every day, at least 5 to 10 minutes, though 5 seems to be enough for me. THIS IS A MUST!

I will not claim that this is becoming a miracle cure, not at all, only that I am seeing a difference, there is fuzz all over this balding crown of mine (Norwood 3.5/4). It could very well be as good as it's gonna get, who knows, but I'm just amazed by this and will post again every so often. I'm just sharing info, and telling you all to stay hopeful. There are many posters who have chimed in on similar threads with a firm disagreement on the benefit of natural remedies, thinking only FDA approved stuff works.
The hairloss industry (3.5 billion a year) has successfully brainwashed the masses, it's really sad to think that some people are so closed minded about alternate routes which are not only better for you, but cost a lot less. FDA doesn't mean $#!t to me.

What may have helped, but I've stopped using and yet still seeing my hair grow back.

-SAW PALMETTO supplements
-MSM supplements
-OMEGA 3-6 supplements

I may use them every so often now, just not every day like I used to.



Senior Member
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Glad to hear of your success in that area. (Really)

(I'll spare you my sour grapes :)


Established Member
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I wanted to make a comment here. I have a regimen that is sort of similar and I too, have seen slow and steady results. The similarities that we share here are tumeric, ceyenne pepper, and emu there may be something to one of these.


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Excellent, that's so good to hear!
The other non-ingredient ingredient is patience, the hair didn't all fall out in one day or even a couple of months, so for it to grow back takes time, normally. The reason the regiment I'm on is as such is because I read a lot, do a lot of research online and try to gather as much info I can about everything. Sure, it's not all to be taken too seriously, and quite frankly, if you type in any random ingredient + hair loss in Google, you're sure to find some links with some info (ie: "honey, onion juice, coconut oil, sea kelp, etc. + hair loss"), but keep digging deeper and eventually you get to that point where you can really narrow it down to a few that are worth sticking to. Emu and Rosemary oil are doing wonders for now, so we'll see.

I think Propecia and Rogaine have their place but I won't buy into that bullshit, it's mass media marketing and making a few companies extremely rich, and depleting millions of baldies of their hard earned cash. I will shave my head and love it before resorting to such products, this is just what I did a couple of months ago, not only because it was getting so hot out but I also felt like liberating myself and accepting that I am thinning on top, and ironically, once I stopped caring so much but still sticking to my regiment, is when everything seemed to start showing results. Amazing.

Sour grapes make great vinegar, btw.

the Last Fight

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Im a very eager to try EMU oil but um not sure where i can get a good quality one. Does it leave an odour? Thats one concern i have. And those New Chapter supps are great quality some of the best available on the market, funny enough a grocery store near me just started stocking these and was goin to check them out.


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Most health food stores carry it, you can always order some here:
That's the brand the store here carries, but any pure Emu oil with nothing added should do.
It is absolutely odorless, dries extremely quickly and if anything, might make your hair feel slightly greasy, not a bad thing.


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the Last Fight said:
Im a very eager to try EMU oil but um not sure where i can get a good quality one. Does it leave an odour? Thats one concern i have. .... and both carry quality emu oil.

no odor - but makes your very oily (duhh :)


New Member
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Penguin, thanks for posting your regimen. I'm always interested in exploring alternative treatments to the big three.

I'm interested, though, on how often you apply this Emu/Rosemary/Cayenne mixture? Twice a day? And how the Aloe Vera fits in?

the Last Fight

Established Member
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If ya look at his psot he mentions "New Chapter" tumeric .. whick apparently if a very top notch quality company


Established Member
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Oh, thanks. I thought "new chapter" meant "new chapter" indeed, and would be referring to some other text :D


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Emu oil stink and it is really greasy sh*t...not a big any pictures of your success??


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penguin74 said:
-PURE ALOE VERA GEL ('Lily of the Desert' brand)

-DAILY MULTIVITAMIN (New Chapter "One Man's Daily")
-TURMERIC supplement (New Chapter "Turmeric Force")
-APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (Bragg's organic with 'the mother')


Can anyone give me an idea of the mechanism/logic that these may work?


Senior Member
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THe stuff on there are mostly tackle inflammation and blood flow, rosemary oil is a natural anti androgen. How it compares to propecia i don't know, probably not that well. Stick to what's proven imo, you get alot of all natural product users saying they have regrowth but never no photos


Senior Member
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Good to know. Some natural herbs do probably work to some amount. Anything more specific then that is just conjecture because nothing is studied in any meaningful way other then to bring attention to the the herb so it sells better. Natural does not mean safer or more effective lets keep that in mind.