Allow me to introduce myself (newbie) also have a question(s


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Hi all,

First let me introduce myself as this is my first ever post on

I have been on Propecia (proscar) for over 4 years and Minoxidil for 2 with good results. I basically have diffuse thinning that may not be that noticable to the untrained eye. Other than my sis and a close friend no-one has ever really noticed. I'm looking to further enhance my "hair diet" with another product. After doing some initial research I have decided to go the Prox-N or Revivogen route. I also considered Triaxon but can't really find too much info regarding peoples opinions on it. I'm really looking to go the natural route as I'm already taking the other 2 biggies.

It starts to get a little confusing. I know Prox-N doesn't contain any DHT inhibitors and that Revivogen doesn't contain and SOD's or copper peptides and unfortunately I can't afford to use both.

So where do I go from here? Should I go for Revivogen and maybe use Tricomen in the morning (after shower) and then Revivo in the pm or use Prox-N and maybe Crinagen or just use either Revivo or Prox-n on there own (still using minoxidil and proscar of course) Any advice would be extremely appreciated!

I also use Nizoral 3-4 x's a week.

Thanks in advance,



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my advice

hi, Im just over a month from starting my own regime with Revivogen (maintainence) and Copper Peptides for growth (as well as using green tea and saw palmetto supps for back up)...what I can say is this. I have noticed a reduction in the amount of hair falling out each day whist on Revivogen and Copper Peptides- I started off using American Crew Revitaliser (same stuff as Tricomin) and when the bottle finished I used the free sample of Trico that I got but I didnt like the smell and I just prefer the American Crew version. As I said its only been just over a month and had realistic expectations at the point as Im staying in this for a solid 6 months before I fully evaluate my situation. But so far here are my observations

1) Hair feels thicker

2) American Crew makes my hair easier to style

3) It *seems* like the scalp is less visable under direct lighting unlike before

4) I can see some small hairs starting to grow around my hairline

5) I have seen a marked reduction in the number of hairs falling out

I am not claiming anything for these products Im just giving my opinion so far - my true evaluation will come after 3 and then ultimately 6 months to see whats happened.

Oh and I use nizoral 2% twice a week

hope thats of use!


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If you're already taking Propecia, using an anti-DHT topical isn't so important. You are already using the most proven three treatments. If you want to add another topical, I would use a copper peptide, either Tricomin or Folligen, as these promote scalp health as well as regrowth. The Lasercomb is FDA approved for hair thickening, so that's another good option as well.


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mvpsoft said:
The Lasercomb is FDA approved for hair thickening, so that's another good option as well.

When the heck did this happen?! As far as I know the laser pointer...errr.. comb is still in "trials".


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The lazercomb is already approved for hair growth and thickening in a few countries.


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socks said:
mvpsoft said:
The Lasercomb is FDA approved for hair thickening, so that's another good option as well.

When the heck did this happen?! As far as I know the laser pointer...errr.. comb is still in "trials".

AFAIK it's still in trials for hair regrowth, but has been approved for thickening.

i assume thickening means each hair shaft is thicker, but isn't that essential the same thing as regrowth for male pattern baldness sufferers?