Almost 22 Years And I Lost My Hair This Year


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Hi everyone,
My name is Konrad I from Poland I'm 21 I will be 22 years in a month
At the beginning I would like to apologize for my english which is not advanced.My father is dead but from my mother's pictures and stories, I know that he quickly turned bald.At the age of 17 I started to lose my hair at the beginning it was a slow process and I did not care .Real horror met me at the beginning of this year where the hairdresser made me aware that my hair is falling out fast in the meantime, I broke up with my girlfriend after 5 years relationship. I was very depressed . I had a lot of stress, I started eating badly and led a bad lifestyle.In the blink of an eye I realized that the condition of my hair became tragic ,so I decided to cut my hair completely. I looked terrible I was overworked, stressed and I could not get used to my new look.
I decided to look for a solution to save my hair but I was not sure if it was too late ,at the beginning I used different hair oils without results. I was looking for help on the internet until finally I found this forum.I have read a lot of stories and I decided to use dermaroller with minoxidil the effects were ,but very slow and the hair was in better condition but still dissatisfying for me. 2 months ago I added hair pills to my treatment ,ordinary tablets available without a prescription hair grew my mother noticed improvement but I decided to add finasteride to my treatment.Currently for 5 months I use minoxidil 2 times for day plus dermaroller 5-6 times for week and for two months I take finasteride one a day. it seems to me that my hair is currently in better shape.I sent today to my sister who lives 500 km away from me and we see very rarely two photos that I add to this post
she was surprised and asked if I had a hair transplant.I was very happy that she reacted to these photos and I did not think that this effect would be so positive.


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Hair looks great man!


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I'm not sure if it matters more but I've changed my lifestyle in recent months.I started running 3 times a week , play badminton in the hall at least once a week, avoid fast food ,reduce smoking and try to completely give up cigarettes ,spend more time with friends and enjoy life


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Great progress, congratulations. I suspect it's the dermarolling and minxoidil doing most of the work, for most people it takes finasteride longer than 5 months to begin working.


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Good Job Konrad :) Your hair looks fuller and thicker!


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Awesome man! What needle size are you using to dermaroll?


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1,5 mm friend
Damn 5 times a week? I’m only doing it once x week. Sometimes I feel like increasing the frequency as my scalp feels completely healed just two days after rolling.