Almost 3 Years On Finasteride And Minoxidil. Still Shedding.


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My hair hasn't got any worse, if anything it's still at peak post treatment density and coverage, but it's a little hard to believe given how much hair I shed. Density and coverage is still the highest it's been since beginning treatment, but I easily lose 30-30 hairs in the shower, and I easily lose 100+ hairs each day through combing and brushing (which I do A LOT, at least once per hour).
The hairs I shed area mostly from the back, the highest density donor region, and they're mostly fine hairs, some more fine than others, as all of my hair is fine.

Does anybody else shed this much hair? I don't see deterioration in my hair, but it is still majorly concerning. I see lots of small hairs on my bed in the morning too, not just on my pillow, but all the way down. I wonder if a lot of them (shorter ones) aren't leg hairs.


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I shed at least 50 hairs when I wash it. In my case finasteride has dramatically reduced the pace of going bald but has not completely stopped the shedding.

And yes I know, losing 100 hairs a day is normal. Here is the thing, as a 10 year old I was losing 100 hairs a day (allegedly), but I NEVER noticed that. So, I guess it's normal, not everyone's balding is stopped by finasteride. Some men, like us, experience stabilisation of hair loss rather than a complete stoppage.


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But here's the thing, I'm well above baseline, I recovered a significant amount of hair, I'm pretty sure my hair is better now than it was one year ago or two years ago. Nonetheless I'm still shedding probably 150-200 hairs a day. Maybe my hair loss is still progressing at a slower rate, but I wonder why, even after almost three years of this reduced (compared to pre treatment) but still high rate of shedding, I have more hair now than I did one two or even 3 years ago? Maybe I'm deluding myself that this isn't progression of male pattern baldness, but as I a stated it's mostly from my donor region. I wonder if it could be due to the fact that I have fine hair, maybe people with fine blond hair shed more? Or maybe it's retrograde alopecia. Ir perhaps it's due to the psoriasis I have in my donor region?

The funny thing is, when I grab the hair on the back of my head and pull, lightly, I always find 1-3 hairs in my hand. When I grab the hair on top of my head, the area that was thinning/balding before treatment, I don't find any loose hairs in my hand. Isn't that strange? That most if not all the shedding is happening in the area in which I wasn't going bald? It's also the only area that I don't apply minoxidil...


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But here's the thing, I'm well above baseline, I recovered a significant amount of hair, I'm pretty sure my hair is better now than it was one year ago or two years ago. Nonetheless I'm still shedding probably 150-200 hairs a day. Maybe my hair loss is still progressing at a slower rate, but I wonder why, even after almost three years of this reduced (compared to pre treatment) but still high rate of shedding, I have more hair now than I did one two or even 3 years ago? Maybe I'm deluding myself that this isn't progression of male pattern baldness, but as I a stated it's mostly from my donor region. I wonder if it could be due to the fact that I have fine hair, maybe people with fine blond hair shed more? Or maybe it's retrograde alopecia. Ir perhaps it's due to the psoriasis I have in my donor region?

so.. you're a heavy shedder... but also a heavy regrower (is that a word? haha) 200 hairs a day = 6000 hairs a month!! You would be slick bald by now if you were not regrowing. It's all just part of the process.


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Goldenmane I feel yah on this. When I started finasteride my shedding immediately decreased. I still get hairs when I comb it. I am at the point were I dont know if my shedding is like a normal persons/my hair cycle or if I am still losing just slower. I desperately what to stop counting hairs. Once you do it though its hard to stop.

Also isnt your hair long? So couldnt that make it hard to tell which area they are coming from. Since top crown, hang down over donor area when long.


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Yeah that's what I want to know, why am I shedding so much? And why is it that apparantly (so far) it's having to visible impact on my hair density or coverage.

I know the shedding is coming from the back because I brush/comb in different sections, top, sides and back separately. I do the top separately from the back and sides. When I grab the top, pull thehair in a bunch and give a light pull, no hairs. When I do the same at the back, 1-3 hairs each time. The shedding is definitely happening in the donor area.

My biggest concern is that I do in fact have retrograde alopecia, and that minoxidil has helped stabilize the hair on top, but without minoxidil, the back is progressing. My alternative hypothesis is that it's due to psoriasis which mostly affects the back and sides but not the top. It's not bad psoriasis but I certainly itch and scratch the back and sides every day


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I know how many hairs it's normal to lose a day smartass... And I know I shed far more than normal, that wasn't my question.

My question was is it possible to shed at twice the normal rate for several years without any noticable thinning, and actually the opposite, seemingly gaining hair density. I'm also curious as to why the shedding is almost exclusively confined to the back and sides rather than the top, where I was going bald...


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That was very smartass of me, my bad.

I mean, not being smartass this time, but clearly it's possible because it's happening. Do you take regular pictures of your scalp? Do it under bright lights, wet/damp/dry, up close, from a 3 or 4 feet back, like every 2 months. If it's been several years you probably will notice little difference, but at least a year down the line from now you can be rest assured you aren't significantly losing any.


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I am slightly above baseline from when I started finasteride 2 years ago, but I still shed loads too... It's worrying :/ although its the opposite for me... I can only pull hairs from the back donor area if I pull really hard. But even if I just brush the top of my head lightly, hair falls onto my desk, and at the end of a work day I can easily have 30+ hairs on my desk if I don't brush them off. However, funnily enough, the sides come out super easy, the hair is really course and curly... the regrowth must be really fast else i'd have nothing left...
But none of this compares to the pre-finasteride days where I would have a handful of hair after shampooing.

Armando Jose

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Yeah that's what I want to know, why am I shedding so much? And why is it that apparantly (so far) it's having to visible impact on my hair density or coverage.

I know the shedding is coming from the back because I brush/comb in different sections, top, sides and back separately. I do the top separately from the back and sides. When I grab the top, pull thehair in a bunch and give a light pull, no hairs. When I do the same at the back, 1-3 hairs each time. The shedding is definitely happening in the donor area.

My biggest concern is that I do in fact have retrograde alopecia, and that minoxidil has helped stabilize the hair on top, but without minoxidil, the back is progressing. My alternative hypothesis is that it's due to psoriasis which mostly affects the back and sides but not the top. It's not bad psoriasis but I certainly itch and scratch the back and sides every day

Have you psoriasis?
Itching and scratch are mot a good signal for a healthy hair and scalp.
I read somewhere that minoxidil is not suitable in this case.

Do you know jojoba? It is antiimmflamatory


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I shed at least 50 hairs when I wash it. In my case finasteride has dramatically reduced the pace of going bald but has not completely stopped the shedding.

And yes I know, losing 100 hairs a day is normal. Here is the thing, as a 10 year old I was losing 100 hairs a day (allegedly), but I NEVER noticed that. So, I guess it's normal, not everyone's balding is stopped by finasteride. Some men, like us, experience stabilisation of hair loss rather than a complete stoppage.
If you want to stop shedding, and to have regrowth,
you need also pgd2blockers
and pge2sgonist.

A dht blocker is not enough to stop shedding, because the follicles fall down(goes to Telogen phase very quickly) from high pgd2.

A very good pgd2plocker
is Green tea from Green Valley
and Grape seed oil from now foods


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If you want to stop shedding, and to have regrowth,
you need also pgd2blockers
and pge2sgonist.

A dht blocker is not enough to stop shedding, because the follicles fall down(goes to Telogen phase very quickly) from high pgd2.

A very good pgd2plocker
is Green tea from Green Valley
and Grape seed oil from now foods
Source? Where do you got this information? I've never read this before.


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Have you psoriasis?
Itching and scratch are mot a good signal for a healthy hair and scalp.
I read somewhere that minoxidil is not suitable in this case.

Do you know jojoba? It is antiimmflamatory

Yes, I think a lot of male pattern baldness sufferers have psoriasis, seems to go go hand in hand with male pattern baldness.

I'm fortunate in that psoriasis mostly affects my donor region at the back, as well as my ears, eyebrows, side of nose. It doesn't affect the top and hairline so much which is where I apply minoxidl. I use Aussie shampoo which has jojoba oil though it's probably not the best source of jojoba. Also use alpecin and nizoral.


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Source? Where do you got this information? I've never read this before.

First we have the Cotsarelis Theory for Hairloss.

We know this Theory is saying that high levels of Pgd2 (in balding area) are responsible for Hormone Hairloss.

Then we have same questions that we have to answer.
How and which Hormones make high levels of Pgd2 levels?

New reserses say that if any of the Hormones reaches high levels then rises also the Pgd2 levels(the body understand it as an illness).

So we have over 20 men in other Hairloss forum that measured the Hormone levels(DHT, Oestrone, Estradiol),
and we discovered that always there is one of these Hormones that is in high levels in these Men with Hairloss.

So now we have the answer why FINA some times works (as it makes DHT lower),
and some times makes side effects,
because DHT is normal and we have to make Estrogens lower.

That means we understand we have mainly 3 types of Hairloss.

That we need to fight Hairloss is of course 3 hormones blockers.
Not only DHT blocker,
we need also Oestrone blocker,
and Estradiol blocker,
each blocker for each type of Hairloss.

Then the question is with the Pgd2 blockers,
and the pge2agonist.

We need also two Pgd2 blockers and one pge2 agonist for each type of Hairloss.

As we know Seti is a Pgd2 blocker(we need a second one to work with him).

We excellent results with the use of these natural blockers.. in over 50 Men.

Iam a chemiker and I tried to come with contact with Dr Cotsarelis, but until now we have no antwort.