Almost 8 months, hair greasier than ever


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I went through a really dry period with my hair for the first 5 or 6 months or so, then it sorta evened out and my hair texture started to improve. Now, a week away from 8 months (can't believe it's been that long), my hair is intensely greasy. If I play with it for a couple minutes, or comb it for a while, it starts to get waxy and shiny. Anybody know what this is all about or in the same boat?



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didn't you go off of nizoral and switch to head and shoulders? could that be the cause

i am experiences some similar symptoms, but have been messing with shampoos and just started nizoral so i attribute changes in hair texture to that mostly. I went through a really really dry period at the start of treatment. then my hair got really soft and nice. Now my hair is definitely a little greasier, especially, like you said, when i play with it a lot.

i know you like the head and shoulders now, but maybe you should try using nizoral like once a week or something, to get some of that grease out of there. How's the thickness looking deaner? i am always interested to hear how things are with you, because we both have been following similar pattern of slowly progressing positive results, with a few ups and downs, and initial "fuzzy" hairlines. Do you still have a lot of these? many of mine have become normal length hair, and there are still a decent amount hangout out in the hairline. how about you?


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I guess alot of it might be attributed to the lack of Nizoral in my regimen now, although I'm kinda hestitant to go back on it, because although my hair may be greasier now, it's not fuzzy looking and dead, it's really dark, straight, and good looking. The texture to it is incredible, you can't tell the thinning spots from the thick spots anymore.

My hair is doing great, and although I was gonna wait until month 9 to make any more comments about it, I guess I might as well give a little update here. Thickness is incredible, it's getting to the point where I almost can't tell the density difference between back and top when I play with it. Part lines seem to be shrinking, and tons of hair is visible in a mirror when I play with it wet. I think alot of the perceived lower density on top is actually because newer hairs haven't grown to match the rest in length, so there's potential there, but this is just a guess. We'll have to see when I finally cut my hair again.

The hairline? Meh. I have no hope for it anymore to tell you the truth. I took pictures on my webcam starting 4 months ago, and I have yet to see it move forward. The fuzz around the hairline is still there, and it's getting denser and longer, and I swear my hairline has improved when I gel my hair up, but pictures don't tell the same story. Could it be low quality of webcam, changes in lighting, etc.? Sure. But at this point I just wanna regain my density on top and just deal with my hairline in the same way Asthon and Jude do. I hope you're doing great, and feeling as good about your hair as I am :)

Good luck everyone.


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Ever consider using minoxidil on your hairline?


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I actually have considered minoxidil on the hairline, but I heard it spreads through the head usually, even if you use it on a specific area it'll cause overall shedding. Not desirable.


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True, but those hairs will grow back thicker and stronger. I agree though, shedding sucks.

You could also try using Folligen lotion. If you just used it on your hairline that little tube would last forever. It would be a safe and cheap way to experiment.


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Your welcome, Deaner. Good luck!


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Hey Deaner,

How goes it brother! I swear we must have the same family line. My hair has gotten noticably thicker from the mid section back but my hairline has taken a slight hit. I will be reaching the 12 month mark on finasteride very soon and hopefully will see a change. I believe that since my hairline was already being hit hard by male pattern baldness, it will take a little longer to recover, but only time will tell. The funny thing is that my shedding has been pretty constant, I guess the daily norm and I'm still trucking along.

Well, I hope all is well my friend...this hairloss thing is so confusing at times.

Take care,


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Hey Guys,

Brasil, We are very similar as well in terms of time on finasteride. I have just crossed my 10 month mark - you were saying that you're still shedding lots?

Just a few questions for both of you dudes:
- How much are you still shedding on a daily basis?
- Is your hair holding steady/are you loosing ground/ are you gaining? (this questions is more directed to you Brasil)
- Have you got any irritation?

Thanks guys!


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PartTimeNinja said:
Hey Guys,

Brasil, We are very similar as well in terms of time on finasteride. I have just crossed my 10 month mark - you were saying that you're still shedding lots?

Just a few questions for both of you dudes:
- How much are you still shedding on a daily basis?
- Is your hair holding steady/are you loosing ground/ are you gaining? (this questions is more directed to you Brasil)
- Have you got any irritation?

Thanks guys!

Hey PTN,

How is it going brother...

Here are my answers to your questions.
- still shedding about the same as before, I have my good days and bad days but it really hasnt slowed down to 10 or 15 like most here. I have very thick hair and it could be partly because of that.
- I guess I'm holding steady, my hairline hasnt seen great improvement. However, considering the amount of hair I have shed I'm for sure holding steady.
- I have some minor irritation, but nothing like before. I can pretty much go the whole day without scratching my head.

All in all, I'm just going to keep taking Propecia and hope for the best. At this point there is no need to worry but hope for the best.

How are things with you?

Hope all is well,


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Hey mate,

Thanks for your quick reply. Every

So when you're saying your still shedding are we talking a lot (50+ in the shower and a couple between your fingers on every stroke through your hair or?...) That's my situation. I don't really seem to have slowed down at all and I'm beginning to think that finasteride just doesn't cut it for me.

My hair is for sure thinner than when i started 10 months ago. I am not having any irritation at all (although about a month ago I felt slightly itchy at the back of my head) - and except from that i have really never had any irritation.

I guess I'm hoping for the best but so far finasteride just hasn't been what I was hoping for. I still have a pretty good head of hair and I still style it every morning but it's getting more and more time consuming in the morning as my thinning progresses. Again, thanks for your reply!


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PartTimeNinja said:
Hey mate,

Thanks for your quick reply. Every

So when you're saying your still shedding are we talking a lot (50+ in the shower and a couple between your fingers on every stroke through your hair or?...) That's my situation. I don't really seem to have slowed down at all and I'm beginning to think that finasteride just doesn't cut it for me.

My hair is for sure thinner than when i started 10 months ago. I am not having any irritation at all (although about a month ago I felt slightly itchy at the back of my head) - and except from that i have really never had any irritation.

I guess I'm hoping for the best but so far finasteride just hasn't been what I was hoping for. I still have a pretty good head of hair and I still style it every morning but it's getting more and more time consuming in the morning as my thinning progresses. Again, thanks for your reply!

You sound like you are going throught the same thing I am! My shedding is defenitly more then 50+ a day, I still have hope and a few more months will tell the story.

Hope all is well!