Aloe sprio and cet


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Hey guys paulie here.
I have started this thread to get some views about trying all aloe spironolactone and cetirizine for Androgenetic Alopecia.Mixing them well and applying it topically.
I know very well that finasteride minoxidil and Keto are just suffiecient for the battle but come on its been here since the last 20 years with just a minor addition of Dutasteride and CB0301(RU was present very early).
The scientist are discovering new factors and their discoveries are being tested on mice.Not trying to undermine their effort but i don't wanna wait any longer so i am considering to start this experiment.
Now the science:-
1.Aloe vera-Helps with healing wounds and i like the cooling effect.Potential of use as a vehicle should be tested as it helps with inflammation.I had a side to the alcohol(itching) and i dearly hope this won't.
2.spironolactone-When taken orally it makes in comparison taste dutasteride like a candy.Completely dangerous to use orally as it causes testicular atrophy BUT as a topical it is harmless mostly with none of the dangerous sides.Their are s5 creams on the website but i can't get them due to my own reasons.
3.Last but never will be the least for me CETIRIZINE-The primary concern i thought of making this whole thread.It take down PGD2 and elevates PGE2.The outcome is good for hair and really cheap with no severe sides(If any then just switch to sucessor levocetirizine.)It did wonders for my allergies and asthama.
Honestly ill state that me being a student, i can never be very well informed about Androgenetic Alopecia and still study in peace.This thread is like a pet project for me.I would apprecaite it if all the members contribute to this thread with thier views,doubts,sugestions etc.Now i admit i am not so experienced as all the seniors and i do come off very emotional and immature but one thing is for sure that i feel the pain of Androgenetic Alopecia.
So from this point onward i will post all my updates.on the topical making and results if i get any.If i don't(wanna succed) then ill just bump the thread.Thank you for reading would appreciate if any would be contributing and thank you for your time


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My Regimen
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How to make it? Name the brands. I'll make it if its available here.


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Not to discourage you, but I believe there's still zero - even anecdotal - evidence that cetrizine works in any way for hair loss?


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@koga no problem dude i know that it has not much evidence but Cet does help taking down PGD2 and elevates PGE2.I can't say you are wrong koga but right now this is my effort to minimalise and try to clean the damage done to the follicle by the DHT.
Should have tried it first then should have made the thread.Without any proof this feels pointless.Will do it fast as i can koga.Thanks for the comment
Cipla's 10mg cetirizine for about 20rupees
Aldactone 100mg would cost about under 200
Home grown aloe plant
I will crush em all and then put them in separate distilled water to take away the filter compound then dry it and add it to the aloe gel.


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This is basically the cocktail that Miracle has been making, but without the Diane 35 and Aloe instead. I doubt the use of cetrizine, but topical spironolactone application should help. But I believe you will absolutely need an alcoholic vehicle; spironolactone won't dissolve in plain water or aloe gel, nor will it penetrate the scalp.