Alright lets hear it


New Member
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What age did everyone start losing there hair...

My hair sucks. Starting losing at 19.

edit: might as well ask here.

Still in the process of falling out. I stole this from the side ad for propecia.

This is what my hair looks like as of now. But its falling out more and more. Fathers very bald.

I should just use products as if i was really bald?


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Well your kinda young.......go talk to a derm first and see what he thinks. If your vertex is thinning you could consider minoxidil, although once you start you won't be able to stop. Although, this applies for all treatments. :) You have to start controlling DHT, the root cause of hairloss, as soon as possible. Your only 19 and I don't think it would be a good idea to begin Propecia, although many will probably disagree. First make an appt. with a well respected derm and discuss your options. You could always try revivogen or spironolactone also, which you can find a great deal of information on both of these products right here on this website. Both of these products are used to fight DHT. Welcome to the board and coming here was a great move on your part.


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Started losing my hair slowly at 17, end of my junior year in hs. Now in my 2nd year of college and my hair is showing more and mroe scalp.

I used propecia for 5-6 months but stopped due to personal reasons and side effects.


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Started about the same time as Matgallis, maybe @ 16, now 2nd year as well, and doing alright density-wise, hairline is a trashy NW2ish though.


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not sure...but i picked it up at 21 and im a nw2-3


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It might have been 17, but I didn't notice until 20 (now almost 22). You still can't tell when it's dry. I only found out because I started getting paranoid and checked.

Also, I'm a Norwood 2, and don't know if that's a result of male pattern baldness or "maturity".

Owl Jolson

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Mine began diffusing two years ago at 19 and it's gone downhill pretty fast. My problem is miniaturization and the blasted things lose twice their mass with every haircut. It looks like hell in the mirror to me but people still insist they can't tell.


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Started to notice at 20 but I know I been lossing hair at 16 or 17 because of photos. I'm been using propecia for 16 months and im between 1 and 2 Norwood. So it's not noticeable yet but that can change anytime.