Alternative to Fina


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I'm new in this Forum and I have a question to the old veterans in this field.
For the past few months I was using Propecia (1mg every other day) with very good results however two weeks ago had to stop
as very strong side effects recently kicked off (hoping they will go away soon).
Now I need to replace fina regime with something else with a similar anti DHT effect. I'm fully aware that there is nothing out there as effective as fina
but since I can't take it anymore I have no choice.
I have done quite a lot of reading about various products (e.g. Theaflavin with Soy Isoflavone or Profollica ) and the feedback on various forums seem to be confusing and often contradicting.
What would you recommend?

Donny J

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if you can't take propeica, then the next best option is RU 58841. if you don't want to go down that path, then i suggest definitely getting on rogaine, nizoral shampoo, and potentially adding s5 cream.


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My Regimen
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RU is the only option that *might* be capable of replacing finasteride currently. It is expensive, complicated/a hassle to use, and is experimental


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finasteride is based on anti dht - but the thing is, if you stop inflammation in the scalp, this too stops hair loss, even if its caused by DHT, which then causes inflammation, and THEN causes hair thinning. So blocking DHT is not necessary. Stopping inflammation is however. and you can do that by stopping all sugars, fats and carbs in your diet, exercising more (varieties of exercises, not just one type) and scalp massage with anti inflammatory oils.

It is already proven that 6 months of exercise and diet change, already changes our DNA expression - I know people in this forum hate being told about natural treatments, hence the negative marks on my profile, but drugs will always have side effects and will only work for short term.


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