Alternatives to Propecia or Finasteride


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I don't have much money to get Propecia or the other types. I was wondering if anyone knows of Natural Treatments that can block DHT on the scalp.

I'm still on Minoxidil (It does make my hair look thin after putting it on) and Nizoral.

sorry to sound like a noob again


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DaSand said:
I don't have much money to get Propecia or the other types. I was wondering if anyone knows of Natural Treatments that can block DHT on the scalp.

I'm still on Minoxidil (It does make my hair look thin after putting it on) and Nizoral.

sorry to sound like a noob again

get yourself Saw Palmetto, it works kinda the same way as propecia. and it's natural.

it's still going to run you about $10 a month or so.. maybe less.

you could probabaly order proscar for like $30 a month>!?


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Very simple! Get Finpecia from inhousepharmacy. Its made by a huge pharmaceutical company called Cipla. Should cost you no more than $15 a month. If you really want to get even cheaper, you can buy Fincar (again made by Cipla) and cut the pill into 5ths. This way your costs falls even further to an amazing $7 a month!
And no Finpecia + Fincar are not some scam product, they are 1mg and 5mg of Finasteride respectively, which is exactly the same as Propecia and Proscar.
Avoid the saw palmetto scam artists like the plague.


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I'll second the recommendation for Fincar. Basically a 1 year supply for $90.00. I divide mine into quarters rather than fifths (easier).

Between that and Kirkland Minoxidil you've got a monthly cost of under $13.00.