Alternatives To Transplants In Turkey


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Hi guys,

I have been considering a hair transplant for some time, and the doctors which I narrowed my search down to were Dr. ********* and then finally to Dr. Erdogan. I had saved my money and decided on a August-September transplant. However, as people are aware of, the situation in Turkey is just not acceptable. I have wrestled over this decision since the coup and for a time even against my better judgement was going to risk it. I do not actually think there would be a problem, but personally I know i simply would not be comfortable getting a transplant there at this time, and I don't believe injury or worse is worth it for hair. My only window is August-September and so I would have to wait until this time next year if i decided to wait for the situation to calm. So my question is what surgeon would be recommended as next best as it were to Dr. Erdogan, who is outside of Turkey, and in Europe? According to people's preferences of course, but similar to Erdogan would be preferable. I would say I am currently NWII or III and I would like a pretty packed, dense frontal third as I am pretty confident that other treatments will come out in the future to either help completely stabilise my loss or give my donor area more capacity, as has been discussed on this site.

Thanks in advance!