Am I a candidate for FUE?


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Diffuse pattern for the last ~7 years (am 28), currently using minoxidil and nizoral...



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I don't see why not, but you would have to see a FUE doctor for a consultation first, and choose your Doctor wisely


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It looks like you need a new strong hair line. For a maximum 2000 grafts you can regain your hair line shape. Also your hair texture looks really good.

Good luck!


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agreed it really is best to speak to a specialist. Your hair line does seem to be thinning and that could be an area which should be considered by the doctor, but they will be able to give you the best advice. Do your research.


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UPDATE: Did a consult with a well-known transplant Doctor - was very brief and he essentially said "give propecia another try, see me in 2 year"

hmm...thinking of getting another consult, not very happy with my hairline and feel like propecia is not going to restore it


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I very much doubt propecia will restore the hairline, get another consult, but don't rush in to signing up for a hair transplant, take your time, do your research, so you feel as comfortable as possible with your choice.


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UPDATE: Did a consult with a well-known transplant Doctor - was very brief and he essentially said "give propecia another try, see me in 2 year"

hmm...thinking of getting another consult, not very happy with my hairline and feel like propecia is not going to restore it

LMAO! Isn't that such a slap to the face for the hair loss community? Yeah, wait two years and watch yourself continue balding. 2013 and theres still no superior alternative to finasteride. God damn, what a monumental FAILURE.

If anyone isn't disgusted with the state of hair loss treatments, they need a reality check.


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Get on finasteride. It can restore hair on the hairline. If not, then it will stabilize your loss and make you a better candidate.


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Yes you can have the procedure. When I was 24, I had this hair restoration treatment in Seager Hair transplant center, a hair transplant clinic in Canada. I was attended by Dr. Simmons with whom I worked for the surgery. I had confusion about whether I am in the right age to take it. But the doctor explained that the procedure is now trending among teens since most of them are experience intense hair loss.


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Dr. Feriduni told me that basically everybody is an FUE candidate (remember he also does FUT). At Prohairclinic they told me that they have never performed FUT and so they could not compare. From what I was told both clinics probably are the most experienced FUE institute in Europe.


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Update here: Did the rounds with hair transplant Dr's again, both said 1800-2200 grafts via FUT would be the right route if I wanted to do a hair transplant. 1 claimed the finasteride seemed to be helping but it certainly doesn't feel that way/ I am happy to go ahead to pull the trigger BUT I have a major hang up about people finding out I had something done. Not clear how much time I would need to take off to make sure it's totally undetectable. I never wear my hair that short so would make it hard if the if the recipient area needed to be shaved (and obviously would look weird with donor area still having longer hair). Anyone who has had it done would appreciate your input.

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proposed.jpg Here's the proposal by 1 Doctor as well, i think it was ~1800 grafts. Thought appreciated, too conservative? Just right? Should I wait?

Donny J

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Update here: Did the rounds with hair transplant Dr's again, both said 1800-2200 grafts via FUT would be the right route if I wanted to do a hair transplant. 1 claimed the finasteride seemed to be helping but it certainly doesn't feel that way/ I am happy to go ahead to pull the trigger BUT I have a major hang up about people finding out I had something done. Not clear how much time I would need to take off to make sure it's totally undetectable. I never wear my hair that short so would make it hard if the if the recipient area needed to be shaved (and obviously would look weird with donor area still having longer hair). Anyone who has had it done would appreciate your input.
Here's the proposal by 1 Doctor as well, i think it was ~1800 grafts. Thought appreciated, too conservative? Just right? Should I wait?

i'm currently in the same boat as you -- i've been talking with a pretty well known physician about the possibility of not having to shave the top of my head for the procedure...I just spoke with them in regards to that on Friday and they ask that I send updated photos (which I just did a couple days ago and haven't heard back yet)...some physicians will NOT require that you shave your entire head, but it sounds like it's very dependent on the situation -- how thin the existing hair is, how difficult it will be for them to operate around the hair, the density, if your hair is curly, etc....i don't know all the factors.

i never wear my hair very short (mine is about 1.5x's your length), and my main concern would be that people would know i've done something surgical. we share very similar hair loss patterns up front (but I'm also starting to lose some on the top of my head as well, unfortunately..). I agree with the proposal shown in your photo -- that's pretty similar to what I was also proposed (and what I want). I'm 30 years old, so I'm not looking to get that horizontal perfect hairline like I had at the age of 20, but I want not only to get density back, but to build up just a little of what I've lost on the sides (to prevent that "island" look). I think we also share some of the diffused thinning throughout as well...honestly, we have pretty damn similar hair (and similar concerns).

I've thought about it a bit, and in order for your hair to grow fully back after being buzzed down, it would likely take 1.5-2 months. That said, you could claim you just got a shorter cut, and could probably pull off a 4-6 week "cosmetic recovery".