Am I a candidate for hair transplant or just hairloss drugs?


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Hi guys,
I'have lost handful of hairs from the age of 18 to 22 then my hair loss slowed down.But it left me a totally thinned and miniaturized top scalp(hairs are changing color and being thinner slowly).İf you look between midscalp and vertex you can see that area keeps original density but much much thinner compared to sides.My back of head and crown is intact, no loss there.I'm now 24. I've sent my photos to well known doctors and forums in the world half of them warned me about miniaturization and suggested to use rogaine propecia etc not hair transplant .The other half gave me estimated graft numbers but they warned me too.Please look at my photos and tell me.Am I a candidate for hair transplant or hairloss drugs? what should I do?Before doing anything wrong I want see more people's opinions.There are still lots of hair there.Can rogaine or minoxidil save and keep them for long time?Does it worth it?İf rogaine thicken those hairs, I may cover balding area without hair transplant.I have no idea how long can I keep those hair with drugs.

my photos taken outside

Thanks in advance


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Min and propecia can save your hair. Give them a year, if your unhappy then you get a transplant.


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Hair transplant doctors tend to be a little biased in what they think considering really they are financially invested in getting you to get a transplant. I still think in 5 - 10 keeping your hair will be a near for sure thing so transplant doctors might be in some trouble I guess except for older guys already bald.