Am I a candidate for transplantation?


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Brief story:
Growing up I always had extremely thick hair. As in I would always get comments about it, could barely get a comb through it, etc. My dad's side of the family is totally bald, my mom's side all has thick hair and 0 baldness, so I never quite knew what to expect.

Fast forward to 20 y/o, start to notice that it is thinning out on top/front after going through a very stressful time in my life (always had shed a lot of hair but it never mattered). Tried rogaine, was very itchy so stopped. Kept losing hair.

At age 21 I see a hair specialist who takes a biopsy, etc, and concludes I have diffuse thinning and to use rogaine foam. Says I won't go entirely bald and that propecia would likely be ineffective. Foam helps initially but then resume losing hair. Also start nizoral as well.

See another at age 25 that puts me on propecia, which I took for 9mo, didn't see results, stopped, lost even more hair, so started again recently.

I would pay an absurd amount of money to regain thickness, is transplantation even an option? Any other advice appreciated. Pictures below.


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Thanks for the reply, am trying finasteride again and may switch back to Rogaine 2x. Nizoral I can't find anywhere so am paying through the nose to get online - really hope the supply thing gets sorted.

Any other supplements/meds you recommend? I would like to be as aggressive as possible.


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I'd say transplantion would be pointless right now because your hair looks great, even your hairline looks ok. If you are actually losing hair (I definitely don't see 5 years worth of hair loss) then focus on keeping what you have with finasteride, you seriously do not need more than you have for a great look. If you do lose more hair then you'd be a great candidate for transplantation because you have really thick looking hair.


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Also, should I stop finasteride again? Original dr. said I might have female pattern baldness so it would be useless...didn't quite understand since I keep losing hair and other doctors recommended finasteride.


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It is better you can maintain your hair before geting a hair transplant.