Am I A Good Candidate For Fue Transplant?


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Hi everyone,

After waiting for 2-3 years, I've started more actively pursuing a hair transplant procedure after many abortive attempts with over-the-counter regiments. The doctor that I've been in contact with says that I will need to get 4,000-4,500 grafts. I wanted to get your guys' opinions as to whether it looks like I would be a good candidate for this or not.

A little about me:

I'm 29 years old. I started losing my hair about 20-29, and at this point, I've lost so much that I started shaving my head (as you'll see) about 4-5 years ago. Now, my hair has always been very thick. The hair loss on the top of my head is identical to my father's hair loss. At 68 years old, my father still has a lot of hair on the sides of his head. I say this because it looks as if I've had a little thinning around my ears, but I can't say if it's just the way that I shave my head, since I haven't let my hair grow in about 4-5 years. But this has led me to wonder whether I would be a good candidate.

What do you think? Thanks in advance.


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Hi everyone,

After waiting for 2-3 years, I've started more actively pursuing a hair transplant procedure after many abortive attempts with over-the-counter regiments. The doctor that I've been in contact with says that I will need to get 4,000-4,500 grafts. I wanted to get your guys' opinions as to whether it looks like I would be a good candidate for this or not.

A little about me:

I'm 29 years old. I started losing my hair about 20-29, and at this point, I've lost so much that I started shaving my head (as you'll see) about 4-5 years ago. Now, my hair has always been very thick. The hair loss on the top of my head is identical to my father's hair loss. At 68 years old, my father still has a lot of hair on the sides of his head. I say this because it looks as if I've had a little thinning around my ears, but I can't say if it's just the way that I shave my head, since I haven't let my hair grow in about 4-5 years. But this has led me to wonder whether I would be a good candidate.

What do you think? Thanks in advance.
You look like a good candidate but you may want to take Propecia for a year first and see how much improvement you can get or at least slow down the process. We have seen cases on here where people have improved with medical treatment alone. If you can't wait, then go for it. But make sure you go to a reputable doctor who will plan for your future loss.


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As long as you understand the limits and the risks then you might be a candidate. So if I had your head and I was looking in the mirror knowing what I know that has been gathered over 32 years I would connect the lateral humps with a minimal amount of hair and then have a high hairline that complimented the temple recession without moving the temple area forward. This might be a good long term plan only you and your surgeon know and it only reduces your risk.

There are only a few doctors that have the skill and history to perform the procedure in a way that is ethical. One can easily research doctors like Woods and ******** for example. Look at the numbers of recommended grafts over the last 10-20 years and compare that to the high numbers you are seeing being offered today. If you understand the limitations then you can start to understand ethics and honesty. It does not mean you are risk free but the numbers as they are viewed over years and years and years tell a story. Marketers don't have a real story so they simply make one up on a as needed basis.

Below is a link to a Cole patient. Take a look at the numbers. Why so low? Because it’s limited procedure so it must be performed with the long term in mind. Take that same patient and look at your own head. The patient simply thickened up and existing high hairline. It’s a very good long term plan. Yes he has hair in the crown which is good for him but I would not suggest it if you need it as very often the numbers don’t work out long term.

At this same site you can see 5000+ fue numbers…………….they don’t add up long term in my opinion and a very bad idea.

Take the time to research some of the history on forums where it is available. You will then get a better feel for the industry and if you want to take the risk.

Yes I went to Dr. ******** for repair or I should say improvement so it should be disclosed. I am not pro hair transplantation in fact every person I have connected with over the last 18 years online and spoken to I have encouraged to avoid the procedure……just too much risk except for one repair patient that was about to go back to the same guy that butchered his head. I couldn’t stomach it so I did what I thought was the right thing.

Understand the risk by reading the history, seeing patients in person and observation over time. Much of what you see online is simply made up like maybe this thread. Then it only becomes trying to help the readers which is worth the effort.

Notice some of the threads on this very site where I am viscously attacked. Why do you suppose that happens? Why are so many working so hard to espouse a different message? Why have I encountered this same exact tactic numerous times over that 18 years online? It's telling you something you just need to understand it then you will understand the risk of the procedure.
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The doctor that butchered up the repair patient I mentioned above was on a recommended list. One of the doctors that butchered me was on a recommended list. Many of the guys you see coming back to the forums and complain about their doctor that is on a recommended list are bashed by others that work in the industry who hide under innocent screen names. If not that the doctor on the list threatens them with legal action and/or the forum bans them almost as if working in collusion. Are you getting a feel for how all this works? Do you understand why these marketers come to these forums and talk up doctors and clinics? Do you understand why very often their mask is removed and they start attacking posters that do not work in the industry. Now do you still want to have a procedure? It’s not so simple for guys to figure out in a short period of time and if you try to you will increase your risk exponentially.

Trust me it gets even more bizarre. The doctor on the recommended list that butchered my head actually had a patient so distraught that he shot himself in the chest with a .44 and it’s gets even weirder. The patient survives and goes on to sue the doctor and he wins. It’s only at that point the doctor stopped offering the procedure even a patient with a bullet to the chest doesn’t bother these guys. Oh they took him off the list too………….funny how that works.

It's interesting what someone can learn over 32 years of observation.
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Walt White

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The doctor that butchered up the repair patient I mentioned above was on a recommended list. One of the doctors that butchered me was on a recommended list. Many of the guys you see coming back to the forums and complain about their doctor that is on a recommended list are bashed by others that work in the industry who hide under innocent screen names. If not that the doctor on the list threatens them with legal action and/or the forum bans them almost as if working in collusion. Are you getting a feel for how all this works? Do you understand why these marketers come to these forums and talk up doctors and clinics? Do you understand why very often their mask is removed and they start attacking posters that do not work in the industry. Now do you still want to have a procedure? It’s not so simple for guys to figure out in a short period of time and if you try to you will increase your risk exponentially.

Trust me it gets even more bizarre. The doctor on the recommended list that butchered my head actually had a patient so distraught that he shot himself in the chest with a .44 and it’s gets even weirder. The patient survives and goes on to sue the doctor and he wins. It’s only at that point the doctor stopped offering the procedure even a patient with a bullet to the chest doesn’t bother these guys. Oh they took him off the list too………….funny how that works.

It's interesting what someone can learn over 32 years of observation.

Guess I won't be sleeping tonight. Jokes aside, what are the risks involved in a hair transplant? I thought it was a pretty routine procedure.


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Guess I won't be sleeping tonight. Jokes aside, what are the risks involved in a hair transplant? I thought it was a pretty routine procedure

The risks are too numerous to mention on a forum and would require something more substantial.

Here are a few which include the math not adding up for many. Most will lose 20,000 fu and most have 5000 fu or less available as donor. That is 25% should every fu survive transplantation while also not be affected by dht which is not possible long term for 100% of the donor. The risk then becomes how does one effectively transplant 20% long term so it’s looks natural?

The next biggest risk is understanding most doctors lack the skill to cut out 5000 skin grafts with hair and place them into holes cut out in the recipient area which is clearly visible in face to face conversations with others in a way that all the skin and hair match up and look natural.

Finding those doctors with the skill is a huge challenge when you have teams of marketers creating threads with dozens of screen names establishing narratives that could very well be false but easily drawing in consumers because it’s sounds so easy and all the screen names seem to be agreeing. If you have the time to watch them work every forum and keep track of the dozens of screen names maybe it won’t be a problem but who has time for all of that?

Of course this is only touching the surface there is so much more in the way of risk.
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Walt White

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The risks are too numerous to mention on a forum and would require something more substantial.

Here are a few which include the math not adding up for many. Most will lose 20,000 fu and most have 5000 fu or less available as donor. That is 25% should every fu survive transplantation while also not be affected by dht which is not possible long term for 100% of the donor. The risk then becomes how does one effectively transplant 20% long term so it’s looks natural?

The next biggest risk is understanding most doctors lack the skill to cut out 5000 skin grafts with hair and place them into holes cut out in the recipient area which is clearly visible in face to face conversations with others in a way that all the skin and hair match up and look natural.

Finding those doctors with the skill is a huge challenge when you have teams of marketers creating threads with dozens of screen names establishing narratives that could very well be false but easily drawing in consumers because it’s sounds so easy and all the screen names seem to be agreeing. If you have the time to watch them work every forum and keep track of the dozens of screen names maybe it won’t be a problem but who has time for all of that?

Of course this is only touching the surface there is so much more in the way of risk.

That doesn't seem like that big a deal to me, unless you keep your hair short. As a Norwood 6 at age 23, baldness has had a huge impact on my personality and my life. I feel that the benefits greatly outweigh the costs and hence I should go for it. After doing plenty of research, of course.


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That doesn't seem like that big a deal to me, unless you keep your hair short. As a Norwood 6 at age 23, baldness has had a huge impact on my personality and my life. I feel that the benefits greatly outweigh the costs and hence I should go for it. After doing plenty of research, of course.

Top made excellent points. I had the same wishes as you, now I do not know what is going on. I was not even close to norwood 6. So, Please evaluate carefully. If you are set on this, go to a very experienced FUE surgeon that does things ethically. Make sure a surgeon does surgical aspects of surgery including extractions. IMO, manual slow and steady FUE would probably increase your chances with yield. Do not get all those grafts in one day, break up the procedure to at least give chances to maximize graft yield. Ask doctors plenty of questions in writing and get responses in writing. Be careful man, after what ive been though im passionate in trying to help folks out. I do not work for any clinic or surgeon. Be safe, stay safe, weigh pros and cons. Wish you the best with whatever you decide.


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hat doesn't seem like that big a deal to me, unless you keep your hair short. As a Norwood 6 at age 23, baldness has had a huge impact on my personality and my life. I feel that the benefits greatly outweigh the costs and hence I should go for it. After doing plenty of research, of course.

Well you can look at the multiple threads that are setup by the industry in a way to start a conversation which works to draw young guys in to having surgery. Multiple screen names will move the conversation in a direction that is pro surgery and those that understand the industry better and post a different view will usually be confronted with multiple attacks out in the open by industry marketers or hidden by marketers using various screen names.

What happens to the threads where young guys face the reality of having had surgery not understanding they now went from bad to worse? Those threads are usually buried or the young guy will be attacked and just moves on or will be asked to move on. It’s a repeatable pattern and if doctors know this all goes on why would they take part if they were honest? One needs to start asking these types of questions. Why go through this whole exercise if the procedure was so great? The fact is it’s not so great and this is why deception is often used. It’s very, very limited and for many guys it ends up being disfiguring. It’s like having a giant pee stain on their pants they now need to hide under dark lighting in the corner somewhere and that is the downside you should be worried about. For others it's contemplation of suicide. So what happened? They must have thought this is simple right? Just move a few hairs around right? No................when it's fully explained in detail then they start to understand.............oh I see.................that does sound kind of messed up.

Look at posters like Jean. When I was his age I worked in the night club industry and I was dating multiple women for years. I was not hanging out on hairloss forums trying to convince other young guys to have surgery. That would not be normal at that age so one must ask is this person real. What is he up to and why does he go from forum to forum and do this? Just some young guy trying to help others his age day in and day out while also trying to bash any truth. Easy for young guys to take the bait. So why do they need you to take the bait? Bait is usually connected to something bad for those that take it.

Much of what you see online is simply made up. Why are doctors taking part in this? Yes there are a few good surgeons do good work with a limited procedure but in general the industry is unethical.


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You should send your photos to a few of the top hair transplant doctors to get their opinions, as you appear to be borderline on what is possible due to the donor area.