Am I a suitable candidate for hair transplant? pic included


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my hair is thinning from the top as seen in the pic.

Would I be a good candidate for a hair transplant? if so , what shuld I be looking for and how many grafts etc?


  • hairt.jpg
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yes Ive been losing hair for 6 years and I'm 26.

I dont take meds, i took finasteride and minoxidil for 2.5 years and all it did was accelerate my hairloss , hard shedding. I have stopped taking that for 1 year, and my hairloss has slowed down.


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27's the hard truth, and I know you don't want to hear it.................................

Don't get a hair transplant right now. You're 26, so your hairloss isn't done. What do you think happens to your other native hairs after a transplant? Nothing. Nothing changes. They will still be falling out.

Save the money and use it once your hairloss has progressed as far as it's going to go.


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hi mate,

I dont mind hearing that, I just want to know the truth and what I should do. So when would it be the best time?


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The best time would depend on the person. Normally I'd advise you to take finasteride and minoxidil and stabilize your hairloss. However, you say that those only made your hairloss worse. do you know it made them worse?

About a hair transplant, just think about it. Let's say that you get a 3000 graft hair transplant. What happens if you end up balding to a NW6 pattern (old man horseshoe, if you're not familiar with the Norwood scale)? Then you'll have a bald head...with 3000 random hairs still on it. 3000 might sound like a lot, but it is not NEARLY enough for coverage.

Now you'd have a strip scar, which means you can't shave your head without a nasty scar showing. Best case scenario would be that you got a FUE transplant and could still shave your head, but then that basically means you wasted the 6-10k on your transplant :-/

Balding is a b**ch, I know. I'm just glad that finasteride is working for me at the moment.