
Am I Balding? And Also Some Questions

Just shave it

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Firstly, I am trying to figure out if I'm balding or not, and in my many weeks of daily lurking this forum I've learned 4 things.

1, if you have to ask if you're balding, you probably are.

2, finasteride seems to be the only real answer right now, and my god that's some scary sh*t, especially to a 20 year old like me.

3, It seems at any point in time everyone thinks we're "5 years away from a major breakthrough, tops".

4, I now pay attention to hairlines on men in public, pretty much every guy on earth is balding, and I feel for all of them.

Now to the point, I think my temples have begun receding, but I can't tell. I am an Nw1, maybe getting to a 2 if you look from the side or the right angle. Now, I have reason to believe, and not to believe that it's just hairline maturation.

Reasons it may not be,

1. I'm not even done with puberty, every week I am gradually getting more facial hair and I have only had to shave regularly recently. Also I still have teenage acne that's very slowly disappearing. I do feel as though there is a correlation to a mature hairline and puberty.

2. I'm literally a Nw1, that's almost unnatural for a guy my age. From what I've noticed 4/5 of my closest friends are ATLEAST an NW2 if not on their way to a 3, all within a year or 2 of me.

3. Remember I'm not done with puberty? I'm a damn late bloomer physically, always have been. This is to the point where on average I was nearly a foot shorter than almost everyone else in my grade. Now I'm 5' 7 which is a lot more normal. But even visiting my parents from school they commented on how I was visibly taller, and I noticed aswell being around people I haven't seen in 8 months. So even at 20, I still seem to be growing.

Reasons it may be early male pattern baldness

1. Here's a big kicker, I think the hairs on my temples are visibly thinner and weaker looking that the rest of my head. Is there any other possible reason for this other than early male pattern baldness? Like there's not many, as a matter of fact the way I just put it sounds more severe than it really is, but the fact that they exist is worrisome, since I think there's no other explanation than male pattern baldness.

2. My mothers father went bald very young, I've never actually met him and he passed away so I have no way of getting the details from him, but my grandmother thinks she could begin seeing his crown in his early 30's. She emphasized he never had anywhere near as much hair as me (very thick NW1), but then how could I know she didn't meet him until he had already heavily receded in the front?

3. The odds are against me, as I said earlier usually if it's something you have to ask, you've got it.

All in all though if I am losing it, I really think I might just enjoy it while it lasts and shave it. For one Propecia is absolutely terrifying, I know the clinical studies say 1-2% but come on, literally is there any guy on here who hasn't had some distressing side effect??? Not to mention if I'm one of those unlucky bastards who gets permanent brain fog, well I'd be fucked, It's not worth risking my career over.

That said, I may be possibly willing to try it in a small dose every three days, than graduate to a full dose every three days, the symptoms seem much less apparent that way and there is still some effect.

So in conclusion I apologize for rambling and not including pictures but I had to talk somewhere, this stress and anxiety over this is freaking killing me it's unreal. Honest to god if I could choose between keeping all of my hair forever, and having the capacity to not give a sh*t, I'd pick not giving a sh*t every time. If there's one thing that depresses me more than losing my hair, it's the idea that I'll be on this forum every day for the next 10 years trying every weird remedy and gambling with my sexual and mental health to keep my hair.

Thank you so much for any replies.