Am I Balding At 18?if So What Can I Do?


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Hi there, I just turned 18 and for a while now, i have been noticing my hair overall being much thinner then it used to be a few months ago.My hairline has also definitely receded a bit on the front and on the temples.However, i have not experienced shedding yet in the shower.Moreover i have mostly had dry scalp and a bad habit is to peel the skin which i have recently tried to stop as i feel like it may damage my hair.Non of my parents are bald yet at their early 50s except my uncle on my mothers side.Just want to know what you guys think and what i should do to prevent being bald at such a young age.Thanks


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There is temple recession but the front does not look like it is balding. If there is no general loss of volume or thinning on top then I would say you are not balding.


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There is temple recession but the front does not look like it is balding. If there is no general loss of volume or thinning on top then I would say you are not balding.
I have unfortunately noticed hair being thinner and loss of density to it.Do you think i should take anytning for it?


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I have unfortunately noticed hair being thinner and loss of density to it.Do you think i should take anytning for it?

Yes I would first get a full hormone panel (Testosterone, Free Testosterone, Estradiol, Progesterone, DHT, Free T4, Free T3, TSH). Young men who bald with no family history will probably be hypogonadal. I would start using Minoxidil and use a hair loss shampoo like one of the Lipogaine shampoos and Nizoral.

Pray The Bald Away

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Yes I would first get a full hormone panel (Testosterone, Free Testosterone, Estradiol, Progesterone, DHT, Free T4, Free T3, TSH). Young men who bald with no family history will probably be hypogonadal. I would start using Minoxidil and use a hair loss shampoo like one of the Lipogaine shampoos and Nizoral.
Why would this demographic be hypogonadal? I'm genuinely curious because I've seen several instances of this.


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Is there no admin on the forums to move these post to the correct section?