Am I balding from my crown?


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So since I was like 15 I've been told by a hair dresser that I had a "prominent crown".

My dad is nearly 70 and bald everywhere except for the sides with a little bit of hair ontop.

My brother is 42 and starting to receeed but his hair is thick everywhere else.

I'm 27 and I'm not receding but I just want your opinion on my crown. My mate who has no idea about hair has said I was "balding" when he stood above me. I've also been told I was balding when I was 22 by another mate on the crown. I don't shed hair and I don't feel like my hair is thinning. The hair definitely feels shorter around my crown than it does everywhere else.

Could you guys please give me your opinion?

Attached is my crown:


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swirl is definitely larger than normal how is the hair pull test? Pull out hairs easily from the area?

Armando Jose

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monacal crown ;)

This area is prone, as linefront, to develope common hair loss...did you noticed that these hairs change its direction?


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is fine and minoxidil a fix to some hair loss or does it just prevent it from happening while you take it? I'd prefer to just loose my hair than have to deal with taking pills forever.


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is fine and minoxidil a fix to some hair loss or does it just prevent it from happening while you take it? I'd prefer to just loose my hair than have to deal with taking pills forever.

you should keep your hair probably indefinitely or for many years. You don't need minoxidil if you are satisfied with maintaining it does nothing to prevent hairloss, only to regrow. So I don't think it is worth your time or money with this attitude and your minor loss. Yes you have to take finasteride for life, but it is easy as popping one pill every day

shampoo wont stop male pattern baldness in the slightest


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is fine and minoxidil a fix to some hair loss or does it just prevent it from happening while you take it? I'd prefer to just loose my hair than have to deal with taking pills forever.

Take the pill, and take my advice: few things are worst than losing your hair, besides losing limbs or chronic, terminal diseases.

Thank me later.


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Im sad to say your hair is going from the same area as mine. Im also receding badly. least you havent started receding. .....that is the worse bit for me.


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Take the pill, and take my advice: few things are worst than losing your hair, besides losing limbs or chronic, terminal diseases.

Thank me later.

I have to disagree. With an attitude like him ( i rather be bald than take a pill every day), don't take the pill. At the end of the day, side effects or no side effects, bad results or good results, you are messing around with your hormone levels. If you can live with being bald and you can live with slowly losing hair in the near future. Don't take the pill. It is healthier for you.

Having said all that. You do look like a perfect candidate and if you are ever going to fight it, this looks like a good time. Finasteride is probably the best way to do it and taking one pill every morning is very easy.

Try to realize that it might get harder to cope with mentally when you start to lose more hair.

If you can handle that. Don't take the pill ( I'm not as strong as you)


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Can any one please tell me that i am balding too?


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