
Am I Balding? If So I Need Advice On What I Should Do.


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Hello! I am a 19 year old male I have noticed my hairline raise slightly. I'm not sure if this is a mature hairline or the early stages of balding. If it is the latter I would like to control it while its in its early stages (if possible).
After noticing my hairline recede upwards slightly i took a look at my crown and noticed that it might be thinning too? This could all be in my head and i could just have a mature hairline and a cowlick... because my hair is naturally fine yet quite dense which I hear often gives the appearance of a balding crown. I Don't have a family history of baldness.

If you do think i have the early stages of male pattern baldness Would minoxidil help at all? If so - to what extent? If i used it daily for 10 years and then decided to stop using it for a year, would experience 10 years worth of hair loss within that year? What would you recommend? Thanks for taking the time to read this! it may all be in my head but i just though i'd stay on top of things


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A mature hairline is balding, it's just something that is age "acceptable" and progresses slowly.

At any rate, you do seem to be receding, I don't know what your original hairline was, though. As for thinning on the crown, it could be a deep cowlick, as it's uncommon to be losing hair there when you're as young as you are.

That being said, your density looks excellent (take solace in that, no matter the rest), so it's pretty easy to cover it up. I'd monitor the situation (take pictures every two months), and if it worsens, you're at a prime age, if you're doctor/dermatologist consents, to start some sort of DHT blocker.