Am I Balding? If So, What Norwood Am I?

Daniel Kennedy

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Looking for your opinions on what Norwood I am, and if you think I’m balding on the crown. I can see that my temples are clearly receding over the past couple years, but not sure if it simply looks that way because of my hairstyle, or because it’s a true receding hairline.

My Dad and older brother both have the dreaded “horseshoe” so I’m worried I may be heading down that same path.

Any thoughts on my Norwood scale ranking as well as if I should start treatment are much appreciated! Thank you!!!


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Jessy Barkley

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Well you most likely began thinning in the crown area but I am 95% confident that you can reverse some of it with a treatment, I heard that some people had effective results with dermarolling. For myself I use finasteride and haven't notice further hairloss.

I wouldn't be able to tell what norwood it is :>


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Yeah, you are thinning and your crown is getting worse. You even have family history of male pattern baldness.
I would suggest seek professional advice and start using meds if you wanna keep what you have or even regrow some.
But my opinion is, if you leave it like this it won't stay the same and it will only get worse.

But hey, I'm not an expert and this is only my opinion.
Best of luck dude!