
Am I Balding Or Simply Maturing? Im 17


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Hello, Im 17 and have had very thick hair since I was able to grow it. Recently I have noticed that my hairline is receding my right temple has receded the most my left one not so much and it appers to be thinning in the middle very slightly (I habe anxiety so I may just be seeing things)

My crown also feels thinner then the rest of thw areas of my hair aswell. Genetics wise my father is balding bad but he started in his older years. His father wasn't nearly as bad and also started in hsis older years. My other grandfathers hair is better than my fathers aswell.

I have tiny thin patches of hair where my juvenile hairline use to be it is also red in some spots.

And finaly, my hair doesn't grow nearly as fast as it use to either.

Ive been constantly paranoid about my hair although I have nearly accepted going bald if I am infact balding. Though I would have to wait till I can grow a full beard before pulling that off.

Charlie Foxtrot

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In my opinion, there is no such thing as a mature hairline. It’s just that for some people it goes very slow and even stops completely for a couple years and it doesn’t progress any further then a bit of temple recession.

It’s hard to say without pictures, but if you’re only 17, you’re temples are receding and it’s getting thinner I’d say odds are against you.. though without pictures it’s hard to say.


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In my opinion, there is no such thing as a mature hairline. It’s just that for some people it goes very slow and even stops completely for a couple years and it doesn’t progress any further then a bit of temple recession.

It’s hard to say without pictures, but if you’re only 17, you’re temples are receding and it’s getting thinner I’d say odds are against you.. though without pictures it’s hard to say.

Thanks for the reply. I was going to post pictures but I have no idea how to get the image URL on my phone.


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In my opinion, there is no such thing as a mature hairline. It’s just that for some people it goes very slow and even stops completely for a couple years and it doesn’t progress any further then a bit of temple recession.

It’s hard to say without pictures, but if you’re only 17, you’re temples are receding and it’s getting thinner I’d say odds are against you.. though without pictures it’s hard to say.

I figured out how to get a image.


Charlie Foxtrot

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It’s hard to see in just one picture. It might be a bit receded but judging by this picture I’d say your hair still looks good! How’s your overall thickness? Notice any accelerated hairloss, like shedding?


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In my opinion, there is no such thing as a mature hairline. It’s just that for some people it goes very slow and even stops completely for a couple years and it doesn’t progress any further then a bit of temple recession.

It’s hard to say without pictures, but if you’re only 17, you’re temples are receding and it’s getting thinner I’d say odds are against you.. though without pictures it’s hard to say.
It’s hard to see in just one picture. It might be a bit receded but judging by this picture I’d say your hair still looks good! How’s your overall thickness? Notice any accelerated hairloss, like shedding?

Deffinitly shedding I find hair everyehere. On my phone, in the sink, on my cloths, my pillow and on my hands. It appears to have slowed down now