
Am I going Bald? HELP! (20 years old)

Am I going Bald?

  • Yes, you imperceptive fool.

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • No, you neurotic basketcase.

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
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Hello Everyone!

So, I'm 21 and have always had very fine Brown hair, but about a year ago (when I was 20) I started noticing some supposed thinning around the temples. I became very frightened and started using minoxidil, and about 5 months ago have started taking Finasteride (1.0mg Propecia daily). Below are some pics ranging from my childhood hairline to now. Am I going Bald? Thanks guys!


17 Years Old:


20 Years Old:

21 Years Old (1 year on minoxidil, 5 months on Propecia 1.0mg/daily):



Family History:

Father - Slow temple recession starting at 19. NW2 at 24. NW3a at 35. NW4.5 at 50.
Maternal GrandFather - NW1 until 60. Died at 77 with a NW2 w/ Diffuse Thinning.
Brother - Diffuse Thinner starting at 19. Nearly entirely Bald by 25.

I would really like to stop taking finasteride, but if I am genuinely going bald, I'll probably just stick with it.
Thanks for any advice guys!!


  • Now(2).png
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Established Member
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Wow nice catch so early. Looks like the very beginning of temple thinning. That's some nice hair, I'd stay on the finasteride and keep it, but that's just me.


New Member
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Thanks for the replies guys! Yea, I'll probably just stick with it. I was just really confused since ive always had thin hair around my temples since childhood, which is why I didnt take note of it until recently. In your experience, is minoxidil all that important in very early treatment such as this? It irritates my scalp and results in dandruff, and it's easier to just pop a pill and forget about it tbh.


New Member
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Will I shed when I stop applying minoxidil? I've been applying it 2x daily for a year now. I may just stop applying it in the mornings.


New Member
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Does finasteride always have the side effects? Cause you all seem very easy with throwing the finasteride in..


New Member
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Does finasteride always have the side effects? Cause you all seem very easy with throwing the finasteride in..

I think its mostly psychological tbh. If you're told you'll become impotent from taking any meds, you'll start experiencing the symptoms. Its similar to the "placebo effect": "A remarkable phenomenon in which a placebo -- a fake treatment, an inactive substance like sugar, distilled water, or saline solution -- can sometimes improve a patient's condition simply because the person has the expectation that it will be helpful."