Hello Everyone!
So, I'm 21 and have always had very fine Brown hair, but about a year ago (when I was 20) I started noticing some supposed thinning around the temples. I became very frightened and started using minoxidil, and about 5 months ago have started taking Finasteride (1.0mg Propecia daily). Below are some pics ranging from my childhood hairline to now. Am I going Bald? Thanks guys!

17 Years Old:

20 Years Old:

21 Years Old (1 year on minoxidil, 5 months on Propecia 1.0mg/daily):

Family History:
Father - Slow temple recession starting at 19. NW2 at 24. NW3a at 35. NW4.5 at 50.
Maternal GrandFather - NW1 until 60. Died at 77 with a NW2 w/ Diffuse Thinning.
Brother - Diffuse Thinner starting at 19. Nearly entirely Bald by 25.
I would really like to stop taking finasteride, but if I am genuinely going bald, I'll probably just stick with it.
Thanks for any advice guys!!
So, I'm 21 and have always had very fine Brown hair, but about a year ago (when I was 20) I started noticing some supposed thinning around the temples. I became very frightened and started using minoxidil, and about 5 months ago have started taking Finasteride (1.0mg Propecia daily). Below are some pics ranging from my childhood hairline to now. Am I going Bald? Thanks guys!

17 Years Old:

20 Years Old:

21 Years Old (1 year on minoxidil, 5 months on Propecia 1.0mg/daily):

Family History:
Father - Slow temple recession starting at 19. NW2 at 24. NW3a at 35. NW4.5 at 50.
Maternal GrandFather - NW1 until 60. Died at 77 with a NW2 w/ Diffuse Thinning.
Brother - Diffuse Thinner starting at 19. Nearly entirely Bald by 25.
I would really like to stop taking finasteride, but if I am genuinely going bald, I'll probably just stick with it.
Thanks for any advice guys!!