
Am I going bald?!


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Hello, I'm only 18 and I'm scared that I maybe going bald, the thing is there's literally no history at all of baldness in either sides of my family other than hair thinning at like the age of 50 which I guess is to be expected.
I first noticed years ago that I seemed to have a receding hairline but I never really noticed it receding, I just noticed it and it hasn't really changed, my main worry though is my scalp,I have attached an image to this post so you can see for yourself and see what you think.


I've always suffered with horrible anxiety and I worry a lot and if I were to lose my hair or have a bald spot I don't know what I would do lol
In this image my hair seems a bit greasy but I last washed it just yesterday so I don't think that's the problem, I've been worried about this for a couple of years now, my girlfriend insists that it's fine and looks normal but I'm not convinced lol


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that's a chitty pic but im 90% sure thats male pattern baldness. Even if it is don't get too stressed about it, it can be stopped with treatments


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That's a real kick in the self confidence I never had lol

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That's a real kick in the self confidence I never had lol


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There is some thinning on top and it's probably male pattern baldness.

Read studies about these treatments : finasteride, minoxidil, ketoconazole shampoo.


New Member
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What do you guys recommend I do then?
Can I just go to the doctors or something?
Or is there something I could buy from boots or tesco or something


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What do you guys recommend I do then?
Can I just go to the doctors or something?
Or is there something I could buy from boots or tesco or something

start finasteride 1mg or 1.25mg daily