Am I In Danger Of Hair Loss, Never Thought About It?


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Hi guys, I'm a 23 year old male, and I never thought of hair loss until recently when my friend scared me, and I've been thinking about it for a long time. I have no problems with my hair at my temples but I recently took a video of my crown and the hairs there look kinda... receding?

I would be really helpful if anyone could say (I know that it is hard from the pictures) am I in any trouble.

More info: 185cm, 72kg, occasional drinker (weekend), occasional smoker (also during weekends but I plan to stop), father is 58 and he only started recently losing hair, grandfather from my mothers side had a full head of hair until 60, but my brother is 19 and is already heavily balding... The grandfather from my fathers side was also bald pretty quickly.

EDIT: I dont experience any unusual hair loss (shower or pillow), but this crown is really worrying me for some reason, I don't wanna look like Zidane, especially since everyone comments on how beautiful hair I have...

Thanks for every input I appreciate it!


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I'm afraid you have a rare form of alopecia rapida. You'll be slick bald in 3 weeks.
I am so sorry.


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Normal cowlick :)
Thank you for this stress relief. I really feel for all the guys, especially now when I was dead scared and desperate. Hope we all find a solution, and it works for everyone.

Sorry for not providing the hairline, pic related is the best I could salvage from my phone. It was always quite high, is this any reason for worry?


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