I'd just like to confirm if I'm dealing with legitimate male pattern baldness or just a mature hairline, although I'm pretty sure it's the former. I'm 22 years old, and both my uncle and my grandfather on my mother's side are bald (my uncle started to lose his around 23). In addition, I've noticed increased shedding and the infamous itch in all the areas that are thinning. To be fair, all the men on my dad's side have naturally very high hairlines that recede slightly with age, but they still maintain a generally good head of hair. If it is in fact male pattern baldness, however, I'd like to get confirmation before starting treatments that I have to continue for life. I've included pictures of my hairline pulled back as well as one where it lays flat. Another reason I'd like to start early is that I really want to avoid Propecia if possible. I've heard it's effective but the side-effects, especially the stuff about infertility, don't seem worth it to me.