Am I loosing my hair or is it my imagination?


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1st, hello and thank you for any advise you guys can offer me.

Today I turned 23 and was checking out the top of my head in the mirror and I kinda thought the amount of hair right around the whirl on the back of my head seemed to be thinner than the rest of my head. Could this be the beginning of male pattern baldness? I had always thought that male pattern baldness started at the hair line but my hair line seems fine.

My 19 yr old brother seems to have male pattern baldness because his hair line is drasticly receeding. I had thought I might be the lucky one since my hair line is still great but now I'm not so sure.

This kinda upsets me because I had always prided myself for my hair due to alot of envy and complements from the ladies. It scares me to think I mit be developing a big bald spot on the back of my head, I'd much rather have the receeding line like my bro.

So is it possible this is the beginning of male pattern baldness or do you think it may be anxiety from getting older and haveing a brother going bald at a younger age? I was kinda looking for it since I was looking at the top/back of my head so maybe it's just IN my head.

I'm thinking of going to get it checked out from a Doctor but I'm afraid I'll be laughed out of his office for just being vein, which I'll admit I kinda am. :D


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It's hard to say if your lossing hair there because some people has a spot that seem look like thinning but it's just how the hair is for some people. You may want to take photos of your hair were you think your lossing it and post it and let us take a look of it. If you know for sure that it was not take way then you may want to get on Propecia. The sooner you start the more hair you will be keeping in the long run. Question to ask yourself.

1. Do you have any family members that are bald or lossing hair at a young age?

2. Do you think the quality of your hair look bad now then before?

3. Do people look at your and ask how your hair loss?

There are more question to ask yourself but I cant remember at this time. Go to the doctor and if he or she saids that it is male pattern baldness and want you to start using Rogaine then ask about Propecia. Propecia will work better then Rogaine(Minoxidil). It's a bit price at aroud 50 to 60 bucks but if it saves yours hair then it's worth it.