
Am I Losing My Hair? 19 Years Old, Pretty Nervous But Could Be Tripping.

Greg Stinson

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Hello I am 19 years old and would like to know if I am losing my hair. I have super thick and curly hair naturally from my mom, who’s side of the family all still has hair with a receded hairline. But my dad started to bald around my age and really always told me I would bald just like him. He’s not a dermatologist or anything so he might have just been saying that out of frustration that he is bald. Anyways, not sure if because I have my moms hair in thickness. Do I get her sides’ hairline genetics as well?
The first picture is me about 5 months ago when I grew my hair out.

The rest are current pictures







this last picture here is from over a year ago when I was 17 and scared I was losing my hair also.

So let’s be real it looks like I’m losing it but I love my hair and I’m devastated and don’t know what I’ll do if I Olsen it. What can I do to fix this or at least prolong the balding?

Greg Stinson

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Also I should probably not in the current pictures I just took them and have pretty bad hat hair, not sure if that will affect any judgement.

random phone charger

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You're slowly receding in the temple region.


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What would you recommend in the meantime
Rogaine and maybe propecia as long as u don’t get sides. U will have hair for a long time don’t worry. Even if let’s say 10 years it’s starting to look bad u can just get transplant. No one looking at u is gonna see a balding man. Ur hair is great. Enjoy it while u have it. I’m 19 and have exact same hairline as u but maybe a less receded. Thing is u have thicker hair where it isn’t receded.

Greg Stinson

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Rogaine and maybe propecia as long as u don’t get sides. U will have hair for a long time don’t worry. Even if let’s say 10 years it’s starting to look bad u can just get transplant. No one looking at u is gonna see a balding man. Ur hair is great. Enjoy it while u have it. I’m 19 and have exact same hairline as u but maybe a less receded. Thing is u have thicker hair where it isn’t receded.
Yeah I read someoen say they started using prociepa around my age and kept their teenage hair until around 35. Is this a realistic goal?


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you have male androgenic alopecia, all men lose their hair because of testosterone, appear after puberty when the testes begin to produce testosterone.


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dude, u r hair is awesome but u r receding in the temple region u catch it early so u can reverse this sh*t and be happy for rest of ur life or mid-30s


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are u f*****g crazy ???? he doesn't need this thread until he's Norwood 4

this does not apply to the fact that nw3 or 4 or 5 or 1, this is done so that it does not progress. When he is nw4 he just gets used to it and gets used to it

looking for hair advice

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Receded temples? Yes.

However - it's way to early for you to go on any drugs. First, you need to monitor your hairline and thickness for several months before going on a routine. At the moment, your hair looks great - don't worry about that. The drugs used to treat male pattern baldness can have very serious side effects - especially finasteride. While you'll definitely read some reports that say only a very small minority suffers from serious side effects, that's most certainly not the case. It's unlikely that you'll escape side effects. If you're lucky it will only be watery semen and a slight loss in sex drive, if you're unlucky you might become impotent, sterile or perhaps suffer from permanent brain fog. And remember: the side effects can outlast the treatment. So it's not something that you want to take lightly.

While it is true, as some people on here are keen to remind you, that hair loss more than likely won't be reversed by meds, you'll need to resist the temptation to hop on meds that could seriously change your life for the worse without considering the potential consequences. Monitor your hair for at least 3-6 months and if you notice any rapid changes, then it might be time to consider going on a treatment. And of course, talk to a doctor about the meds.

I'm in a very similar situation to you at 24 (but I've started shedding a lot of hair the past month, so I might be worse off) and I contacted a doctor very early after realizing I was losing hair. People online told me to hop on finasteride right away to preserve my hair and that it was completely safe etc, so I thought "why not?". My doctor pretty much told me that she would prescribe me finasteride if I absolutely demanded it, but that the side effects can be absolutely devastating and it's not something to just hop on casually without truly considering what's at stake. I had read about some side effects on here and on other sites, but I didn't realize how bad and how common they were. So I put it off, went home and researched and decided to wait with the finasteride unless my hair gets a lot worse REALLY fast. Maybe I won't hop on even then, I'm undecided.

Think of it like this: these meds are dangerous for you. And they're expensive. They're not something you want to stay on forever. The majority of men lose their hair at some point, and you're one of them. If you go on finasteride right now, how long do you plan on staying on it? Five years? I can tell you losing your hair at 24 is f*****g awful still. 10 years? It's probably still just as bad. And then you've spent 10 years on a med that seriously fucks with your hormones and thousands and thousands of dollars. Want to start a family sometime in the future? It's not worth jeopardizing for a few years more with hair. If it's in the cards - which it seems to be for both of us - then you'll lose your hair eventually. Really consider how big of a risk a few extra years of hair is worth.

I've studied my family history a lot since I first noticed my own hair loss and I can tell you that not everyone who starts losing their hair early goes bald in a matter of years. My grandpa was at about the same place that you and I are at right now in his mid-late twenties - noticeable recession at the temples - but his hair loss progressed very slowly and he still has a good amount of hair at 90 today.

Losing your hair sucks. It's awful and it's hard to cope with. But if you ask me, trying to find ways to cope with it is the way forward, not the meds. Hopefully, your hair loss will progress very slowly. I hope this wall of text was helpful to you.
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