
Am I Losing My Hair Or Is It Just Maturing?


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I've always had fine, thin hair and a large forehead. Recently I noticed my temples receding - or at least that's what it looks like - and I'm wondering whether this is simply my hairline maturing or if I'm actually starting to lose my hair. The temples seem smooth without any vellus hairs present.

However, when I step into the shower and start working my shampoo through my entire head, I look at my hands before washing the shampoo away. Last time, I counted some 20-odd hairs on my hands. Is this normal? I've also taken a picture of the drain hole after stepping out of the shower:


I might be overreacting, as I've seen many young guys do on this forum, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Receding hair on what is already a certified fivehead adds insult to the injury and I'll shave my hair off to the bone immediately and indefinitely if this is the case.


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It looks like you are pretty bald, i would just shave it and forget about it. Check out for a masculine, distinguished look.


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