Am i shedding already?


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So today marks 28 days since i started Propecia, and with only a slight side effect (weak erections), these past 2 days i've noticed that my hair seems more thin on top than usual. And a round of photos has me somewhat 'worried'.

So basically i've been on Nizoral 2% (every third day) and Propecia (every day, 1mg) for 28 days and these past two days i've been questioning whether i'm shedding.

I've uploaded some pictures, so do any of you think i am shedding? Btw, here's a previous topic i posted, with some pictures of my hair a month ago, and last year: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=57277&st=0&sk=t&sd=a ? Back then my hair was longer and looks more thicker, but now (to me at least) it seems that it's become rather thin? Do i owe this to Finasteride or Nizoral?


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Some new photos where my hair is wet (from an hour ago)..i don't think it seems to be shedding, but why is my 'bald spot' so damn visible?


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Hey Draco! Thanks for the informative links and response in my thread!
It's hard to tell if your hair is any thinner when your hair isn't in the same condition as the reference photos. Perhaps snap a few when you hair is dry. Do you see more hairs come out when you shower, or when you give you hair a rustle over the sink? Either way.. don't stress! If the lack of hair really bothers you, perhaps give yourself a 1-2cm buzz. If you are Shedding, it is a sign of good things to come :)

edit: Just saw the original pictures and it seems like you're thinning a little bit. but again. Sign of good things to come!


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Draco, some words of advice, don't worry about anything for at least 1 year. You are not going to know for sure how well Propecia will work for you until you go thru a few hair cycles. You definitely show some diffuse thinning and it will take a long long time to reverse those areas. I think Nizoral dries the hair and makes the hair look thinner. I have to use shampoos with Nizoral only once or twice a week because it makes my hair look whispy after a while of using it too often. Just remember shedding is a good thing. It means the drug is working. Just be patient. Put some nanogen or toppik on those diffuse areas if it bothers you so much. Your hair looks the same now as it did earlier this year. You are lucky to have wavy course hair. That helps to hide diffuse thinning and makes for good donor hair in the future if you want a hair transplant.


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Good advice Dr House. Draco, Toppik would cover that thinning right up. You should give it a shot. I use it sometimes when my hair is long enough but I always get so depressed when looking in the mirror after washing it off :sobbing:


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^^I'll be looking into this 'toppik', i've read about it on this forum but never researched further into it, thanks!

@moonbase, thanks for your input!

DoctorHouse said:
Draco, some words of advice, don't worry about anything for at least 1 year. You are not going to know for sure how well Propecia will work for you until you go thru a few hair cycles. You definitely show some diffuse thinning and it will take a long long time to reverse those areas. I think Nizoral dries the hair and makes the hair look thinner. I have to use shampoos with Nizoral only once or twice a week because it makes my hair look whispy after a while of using it too often. Just remember shedding is a good thing. It means the drug is working. Just be patient. Put some nanogen or toppik on those diffuse areas if it bothers you so much. Your hair looks the same now as it did earlier this year. You are lucky to have wavy course hair. That helps to hide diffuse thinning and makes for good donor hair in the future if you want a hair transplant.
Thanks for the advice :) That's one thing that i figured, that since i 'seem' to be shedding, then finasteride is working (well the slight side effects told me that too)..just that i was somewhat 'confused' since i didn't expect finasteride to cause shedding. About having wavy course hair, i guess i can thank my dad for that (unfortunately i didn't inherit his thick head of hair and he's in his late 40's).

But you guys mentioned using 'toppik' or 'nanogen', well i just researched into those products and i'm seriously considering buying one of those products. I found two websites that sell either product in Australia, however i'm not sure which one to go for? They both seem to do the same work, so i guess i'd just go with which ever is cheaper (?).

For the toppik, would i just want the basic 'toppik': (the very first one)
And nanogen: Would i want the nanofibres or nanogen nanothik spray?


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Go with the fibers. Personally I have tried both and I like Nanogen fibers better because they seem to stick to the hair better and I think toppik has a smell to it that Nanogen does not.


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^^Thanks DoctorHouse.

Btw, how long do these fibres stay in your hair for? I'm assuming that they'll fall out with a regular wash?

Seeing how the 'can' looks like, made me laugh a little bit, since it can also be mistaken for a good quality salt shaker hehe :)


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^^Well so far it's been ~5months since starting propecia and nizoral. The only difference i've noticed during these past, say 2 months, is that i don't *seem* to be shedding as much daily, as i once was. I do however see a lot of small, somewhat light hairs along my hair line and i don't know whether it's new growth or my current hair making a final stand. But put simply, there's no difference. Will know for sure in another ~7months.