Am I Suitable For A Hair Transplant?


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Hi all, I am new to this site and have recently undergone a hair transplant to correct/help with my receding hairline. Having read many posts on here I am now concerned if I am suitable or not and if it will look ok? Please guys any info or advice would be greatly appreciated or even a tried and tested regimen to help with my all round har loss. I have included a photo before and after the transplant also. Thanks


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Established Member
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Look OK. Could you elaborate a little more on what exactly concerns you?


New Member
My Regimen
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Look OK. Could you elaborate a little more on what exactly concerns you?
Mainly due to the fact I’m so thin on top also, ideally I’d have had the top done too but the surgeon was not willing to do this stating there was enough hair already


Established Member
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It looks like it could be okay. The quality of the pictures is too poor to tell honestly.


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You still have a fair amount of native hair on top. The transplanted hairline is conservative and you are on meds. As long as your donor area is good enough, think you are suitable for a hair transplant.