Am I the only one here who doesn't have shedding/male pattern baldness itch/the works?


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I keep reading about itching, shedding, inflammation. I don't have any of that.

My hair obviously falls out, but it doesn't seem to fall at any faster rate than when I had a full head of hair. When I run my hands through my hair there is no excessive hair fall unless I do it for several minutes but that happened even when I wasn't balding. My shower isn't full of hair when I shower nor does it get clogged. I don't see excessive hair on my pillow in the morning.

It falls at a normal rate, it just... grows back thinner and ****tier, if that makes sense.
And my scalp feels normal, the same way it always did. Basically, if I didn't have a mirror, and if I didn't touch my hair, I wouldn't even know I was balding. Am I the only one here to whom all these terms and symptoms are foreign?

Basically I envy you people who can judge whether or not a treatment is working by noticing reduced shedding or lack of itch because I can't tell either way. I am just waiting and waiting here for finasteride to start working and my hair just keeps getting worse.


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how long have you been losing your hair?


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Since mid to late 2011, but only picked up on it late 2012. Started treating in May this year.


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Trust me when I say you do not envy people who experience Androgenetic Alopecia inflammation. It may be a good marker of whether a treatment is working or not but it is not fun to live with the constant, physical reminder from your friend DHT that he is raping your follicles. I had 3 glorious years of balding before I experienced any inflammation and its on a completely different level.

Norwood One

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I'm in the same boat as you whatevr. No male pattern baldness itch but when the hair do fall out, they come back weaker or just never came back at all (In the temple/hairline areas).

To rate if your treatment is working, best is to observe density rather than the itch coming or going. If your hair looks/feels thicker or you see any new strands of hair forming, it probably is working.


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I actually think that it is quite difficult to judge whether a treatment is working in a few months, and that 6 - 12 months evaluations are better. Everyone is different, and everyone's hair loss is also different. Whilst you think that you may have genetic pattern hair loss, you may also be suffering from an undiagnosed form of hair loss at the same time. There are actually many different forms of hair loss, we just know about the common ones.

Also, shedding of hairs is not indicative of whether or not a treatment is working or if you are indeed losing more hair overall. The organ of the hair follicle is entirely unique in the human body as it has a natural function to both regenerate and degenerate, no other organ in the body is programmed to do this. Yes, I know that the liver can regenerate itself, but it is not programmed to degenerate.

My younger brother loses a lot of hair when he washes it, but yet his hair is still thick and dense. Whilst I was losing my hair I too never experienced what many people report as a male pattern balding itch or mass shedding of hairs. I guess that other factors are coming into play for people who do experience this, such as stress, anxiety, genetic predisposition to certain ailments etc...

With male pattern baldness there are a myriad of factors that come into play, and this is why I know that there are other pathways that cause it apart from the usual doctrine of blaming DHT!


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wish I have better news but... you either lose it slowly or at some point the process really accelerates then you get the itch...