Am I wasting my time taking 0.25mg Finasteride EOD?


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Been on this for a few months, can't really tell if my hair has gotten worse or better, some days it seems thinner other times it seems fine
not srue if i'm wasting my time


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I started at .25ed and so fat I'm doing OK. I do have the fear of .25mg not being effective enough so I'm going to up the dose to .5mg in June.

Another concern I have is generic vs brand. I watch these 2 guys on YouTube called The Bald Truth and they constantly say they prefer propecia brand because that was actually tested and fda approved and generics have a different ingredient. So that could impact how it is digested. I think once I finish my generics bottle I will start taking brand.

I'm not experienced with the drug, but I have read conflicting studies and recommend doses. One was that .5mg was only 80% as effective as 1mg. Another was that mwf of 1 mg was as effective as 1mg a day. Another had a response curve showing .5mg a day inhibits almost as much as 1mg.

I think you should try to up the dose because .25 eod is basically .125 ed and I believe every study shows you are not getting the most out of the treatment. What norwood level are you btw?

lord cardigan

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I'd say you are not wasting your time. You will be lowering your dht by alot even with that low dosage. I get sides on the tiniest amount of finasteride so I know that it is still potent at alot below 1mg per day

lord cardigan

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I have tried many times with different doses and it is always the same. The lower the dose the longer it takes for the sides to show but they are there all the same. I think my body needs full DHT to function properly


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Absolute waste of time.


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You can give it a try. I started with that amount and after 2 weeks moved to .5mg and I think I'll stay there from now on.
have you noticed any changes? i'm still shedding hair everyday got no idea if it's working. or not really annoying.
i'm worired about finasteride sides last time my sides were really bad.
i don't know ifi should increase dosage because my hair doesnt seem to be getting any better/worse.. :/ really hard to tell

is shedding hair a sign if its working or not?


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have you noticed any changes? i'm still shedding hair everyday got no idea if it's working. or not really annoying.
i'm worired about finasteride sides last time my sides were really bad.
i don't know ifi should increase dosage because my hair doesnt seem to be getting any better/worse.. :/ really hard to tell

is shedding hair a sign if its working or not?
Too early to tell. Only been about 2 weeks.


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Every other day should work effectively the same as the half life is 72 hours, you could been push to every 3rd day....


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Every other day should work effectively the same as the half life is 72 hours, you could been push to every 3rd day....
The studies show that dht inhibition starts to lose effectiveness after .2mg. .25 eod is like .125 ed and it won't give optimal results.


My Regimen
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Idk man, I am unfamiliar with the brain fog side effect. You can consult a doctor or just go back to eod. Do what you feel comfortable doing.
i'm on 0.25mg a day i just wish finsteride didn't change my face/facial complexion thisis the only thing that annoys me the most.