am/pm difference?


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can anyone confirm or attest to a difference in sides depending on what time of day you take finasteride? ie. less chance of sides when taken before sleep or vice versa.

also, is it possible that taking finasteride on a slightly sporadic basis could increase the chances of sides? for example.. taking a slightly different dosage each day, never exceeding 1mg but never going below, say, 0.25mg. another example might be taking a similar dosage at varying times throughout the day, but never really more than a few hours apart.

i'm just curious about how these changes might affect hormone levels, because i have pretty much no knowledge about how hormones work in conjunction with biological clocks and such.


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I take Propecia in the evening, I think it was making me a bit sleepy in conjunction with my other stuff.


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Heard taking finasteride is more effective first thing in the morning since DHT levels are highest then. To me this would imply if you are taking it at this time and making the most difference then theorectically it will cause the most sides also, they go hand in hand.


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I take mine at around 10am each morning, not sure why, I think I may have read something somwhere, it shouldn't make any difference really though.

Paul December

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I take it right before I go to sleep with my other stuff: Niacin, Fish Oil, and Multi-Vitamin.
Even if its not the best time, I won't forget this way.


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an empty stomach helps a little apparently though i doubt it matters much.


I take it at night. After reading about the "Brain fog" issues some people discussed I'm going to keep it at that. Though I guess this would be due to inhibiting the 5AR rather than the drug itself, so if being lobotomized via finasteride is a side effect than I guess it probably doesn't matter when you take it.

I probably shoudn't have said the above, we're going to be seeing new posts of people saying how they can't think or remember things and that it's due to finasteride.


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I take it early evening and because of tiredness side I get, the max I take is 0.5mg and min 0.25mg I take 0.5 when I feel alive and at weekends. 0.25 when tired.

Libido was raised initially when taking finasteride and is still very high.

Hair is gotten worse quickly though so its not working for me, not this first 3 months unless there is a lot of hair waiting to sprout (in my dreams).


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I took at night for one year, sometimes with meal and sometimes on empty stomach. Timing semi sporadic wit a couple missed doses that I took in the morning after to catch up the next pill at 12pm the same night.

Now I take it on a completely empty stomach every morning when I wake up. I like it much better and do believe it makes a difference to take it on empty stomach. There is no way 1mg can absorb just as good through a huge meal.

I have had no sides either way. Just think my hair is getting the better portion of it now.


Why do you think it should be taken on an empty stomach? I don't believe any indication is given from the mfr. as to whether or not it should be taken with food or on an empty stomach, leading me to believe it does not matter either way.