Amino Acids and their effect on Hair Loss


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I'm looking to start taking a amino acid supplement for weight lifting and muscle gain. Soes anyone know if this will increase or have a negative effect on my hair loss?


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I doubt it. But you may have other issues. I just started taking L-Arginine and L-Ornithine before going to bed ( 5g, 2.5g respectively ). And I have been having nasty smelly shits the next morning. I dont think my body digests them well, or maybe its the fillers. Too early to tell if they are helping build muscle. Im going to finish the bottle, if Im still taking those nasty craps I will discontinue them.


mcpaulyb said:
I'm looking to start taking a amino acid supplement for weight lifting and muscle gain. Soes anyone know if this will increase or have a negative effect on my hair loss?

I would think Amino-Acids can only help hair growth, taken before bed (like Thinning does) that can act as a pituatry stimulant the encourage the production of HGH and IGF-1, I think this would only encourage hair growth. There have been many anecdotal reports of HGH influenced hair growth and also reports of grey hair regaing it's pigmenteation, something I have never heard attributed to other treatments.


How can you ask or answer a question like this?

First of all - of course Amino Acids will help grow your hair, without them everything stops and you die.

If there is a shortage of a certain amino acid you would notice it not only from hairloss.

Hairloss is genetic not enviromental.


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Thinning said:
And I have been having nasty smelly shits the next morning.

Bro, what did your shits smell like roses before? My *** always smells. Lettuce gives my smelly shits.


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Good call on taking amino acids for working out......i doubt they will effect your hairloss seeing as how they have nothing to do with it........alot of people forget to take amino acids when they up their protien intake.


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mcpaulyb said:
Bro, what did your shits smell like roses before? My *** always smells. Lettuce gives my smelly shits.

My shits are usually mild smelling like my diet. I eat healthy, pasta's, lean meats, whole grain products, low fat low spice meals, low fat dairy produts.

So my shits dont reek, and they are well formed and clean.

Immedietly after starting the amino program my sh*t started coming out all messy, with multiple bad farts just beforehand that linger a long time. The sh*t smell really nasty, like a rotten egg type odor.

George Costanza

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This has turned into a really shitty thread. :puke: