Amino Acids


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Hello folks, I am new here. I am only only 22 years old and started losing my hair within the last 3 years, as I am sure you all know it was a pretty nasty surprise to me, and I am still coming to terms with it.

Since my discovery into the world of male pattern baldness, after doing countless hours of painstaking research online, reading through constant misinformation and bullshit promises, I decided to start with taking Amino Acids.

I have only been on them for a month, but I am curious if anyone here has had any experience with Amino Acids, and whether they have had any success? I am not expecting to gain any new hair from taking them, but I am hoping that they may thicken my existing thinning hair.

As you may or may not know, Amino Acids help with the buildup of protein in the body, and there are certain ones that may help with the development of healthy, thick hair.


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Studied to protect, nourish hair and to reduce its loss.

Treatment effect (1 tiny bottle a day for 90 days) :

Hair thickening: a statistically significant hair thickening and a consequent decrease of the parting amplitude (Dunnet test p<0.05 T90 vs T0 with a variation percentage versus T0 equal to 13.88%).
Significant increase of shaft thicknes: a statistically significant increase of shaft thickness (Dunnet test p<0.05 T90 vs T0) with a diameter measurement increase of 9.18%. This increase was still evident after 1 month treatment (6.16%).
Important variation of hair resistance to traction: Still after 1 month Proglyme® treatment, hair resistance to traction resulted significantly increased (Dunnet test p<0.05 T30 vs T0 with an increase of 15.17%). This increase was yet more consistent at the end of the test (Dunnet test p<0.05 T90 vs T0 with a percentage of increase equal to 20.03%).


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Interesting stuff, what I am struggling with, is there seems to be so many different Amino Acids that are related to hair, I am not sure what ones to take.

This is what I am currently on:}{md5/78b2b47498e125096e4d56525f2c0fbe/md5}

I was convinced to try Amino Acids after reading this site:

It's a good read, and I believed it was real...however after contacting Paul (the creator of the site), I have still not recieved a response, which leads me to question it authenticity. It could be a marketing ploy by Euramin, despite them being a German company.


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HairLossFreak said:
I have only been on them for a month, but I am curious if anyone here has had any experience with Amino Acids, and whether they have had any success?

Yes. I take amino acids every time I eat a hamburger or a steak, or drink some milk. I haven't noticed any beneficial effect on my hair.

HairLossFreak said:
As you may or may not know, Amino Acids help with the buildup of protein in the body, and there are certain ones that may help with the development of healthy, thick hair.

If you're frankly STARVING, then yes, I think taking amino acids will help your hair. But not otherwise.


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HairLossFreak said:
Interesting stuff, what I am struggling with, is there seems to be so many different Amino Acids that are related to hair, I am not sure what ones to take.

This is what I am currently on:}{md5/78b2b47498e125096e4d56525f2c0fbe/md5}

I was convinced to try Amino Acids after reading this site:

It's a good read, and I believed it was real...however after contacting Paul (the creator of the site), I have still not recieved a response, which leads me to question it authenticity. It could be a marketing ploy by Euramin, despite them being a German company.

I would try to duplicate what Proglyme contains..I guess. There are plenty of "amino acid" supplements out there, liquids as well- drink mixes are becoming more popular again too. Then there's whey etc protein.

Here's an article on whey vs amino acids:

One can get "enough" biotin via a diet as well..but supplementing could possibly help a bit. Same for a # of other things.


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amino acids for hairloss, dont expect any miracles with that