An honest Question?


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I do not know if this has ever been posted before but here it goes. So I know that the propecia warning says for pregnant women not touch a broken pill for fear of absorption. I also know about the effects it may have on pregnancy even though doubtful considering the amount it took in the studies to do anything. My question is this would it matter at all for a women pregnant or not if they gave a finasteride user a hummer and swallowed? It is a bit funny but none the less a question I pondered.

Bone Daddy

Established Member
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Yes, but she'd have to swallow your load for a good while I'd imagine.

too bald too furious

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The good girls dont like swallowing our royal oats. yea ofcourse there are those trailor trash and slutty types. You are free to fill their mouth. But dont take the risk with the love of your life. :)


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I think Dr. Lee or somebody else answered that it only matters during a small window after conception anyway, during a certain, say more vital stage of fetal development. This applies to taking an entire propecia pill directly.