This video has already been posted on this forum and in this section. This video is BS. I will quote my reply to the previous video thread: "
The video states that lowering Prolactin is key in reversing androgentic alopecia. This is false, if this were true, then medicines such as Bromocriptine and Cabergoline would work well in male pattern baldness. They do not. Also, I have a family member with high prolactin and they have no hair loss while I do, and I do not have high prolactin. Prolactin may be able to inhibit hair growth somewhat, but it is not a main factor in androgentic alopecia and there is no study that states it is.
Lastly, DHT has the strongest evidence behind it that it plays a major role in male pattern baldness. Obviously, there are most likely many other factors involved, but a sensitivity to DHT currently has the strongest backing of evidence."
People who have a 5-alpha reductase deficiency never get male pattern baldness. People who take Finasteride typically maintain or grow hair. People who take Dutasteride typically maintain or grow even more hair than on Finasteride. Claims similar to this video have been made on the internet time and time again. They are mostly false, sensitivity to DHT is a clear factor in male pattern baldness.