And now a word from our resident flame thrower.


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Welp, it's been like a million years since my last post, and let me tell you guys. I've never felt better about myself, or my hairloss. I feel I've had the best success story ever, and no it's not anything any treatment could ever fix, and it's 100% effective 100% of the time.

My friends, it's called acceptance. I accepted the fact that I'm losing my hair, and it's just been uphill since then. No chemicals coursing through my system day in and day out, no smelly *** spironolactone coctails on my scalp, no more hazy area wondering if treatment X is going to work for me... no more worries.

Another good thing to happen to me is my enlistment in to the US Army. Been in for close to 5 months now, and loving every minute of it. You know, except for the whole drill sergeants, and the living in shoddy *** Fort Lee barracks, it's great! I strongly urge any of you kids that are losing your hair and thinking it's the end of the world to consider enlisting too. It's been a great ego boost for me, and the ladies LOVE the BDU's and beret. I got a picture somewhere, but not posted anywhere of me in my duty uniform and Class A's. Hair or no hair, being in the military is a very good experience, and i really recommend it to anyone who is the right age.

All that aside, I just want to say hey to you guys and let you know my situation. I threw out all my minoxidil, extra fincar tabs (placebocar rather. Damned indians) and whatever else i had because it's just not doing it's job. Yeah it was working a little bit.. but to be perfectly honest, I feel better knowing that I'm losing my hair than putting all my faith into treatments to stave off the inevitible. It's just not worth it to me anymore. Plus, the hottest chick in my platoon (and yeah she's f*****g SMOKING) told me and my other balding battle buddy that she thinks bald guys are hot. So my friends... there is hope for you all after all ;)

Anyways. It's late, and I'm almost out of days left of my vacation, so it's off to bed to make the most of what I got left. Guys, spend less time worrying about what other people think about you and live your lives. I know how you all feel and trust me... you will feel a LOT better if you just admit to yourself that you are losing your hair and ACCEPT it as well. I promise you... you will feel better about your situation. It worked for me, and the only side effect was being happy again.

Peace guys.

Stingy loves yah.

hair mchair

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Acceptance is the best regimen Stingray. I've had numerous long-term (permanent?) physical problems as a result of my battle against male pattern baldness, and yet I still can't bring myself to give up the fight. If anything, it makes me want to fight that much harder. That's just my mentality I guess. But if I thought I could be happy bald, I would throw away all of my topicals just like you and never look back.

Good luck to you.

The Gardener

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First off, Sting, thank you for your service. You are a no-bullshit, good guy and a natural leader... and I hope the Army puts you somewhere where these traits can be best put to use. The Army has our back, no matter what happens, and we have theirs likewise. But your sacrifice is a lot greater than mine. Thank you.

You have always has a good perspective on hairloss, and this posting keeps in that spirit and is something we all need to take to heart.

Btw, where is Fort Lee? I hope it isn't that camp down in the Louisiana swamplands that the Army refers to as 'Tigerland'. An old bud of mine who served spent time there, said it was miserable!

Check in when you can, Baldy, and don't forget us! Best wishes, Gard.


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Nice post and a positive one Sting. Best of luck , and thanks for your service.

Be positive and love your life << fav saying


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I dunno where I'm going. Chances are I'm going to be deployed, but whether it's to Iraq or Korea is anyone's guess. Fort Lee is in Virginia, in the greater Richmond area. It's a decent post, just it's boring as hell.

not me!

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Great post, man. As an 8 year vet (Navy, not Army) I can tell you that you're going to see more, experience more, and know more than all of your friends back home by the time your enlistment is over.

Best wishes to you when you do deploy. It sucks at times (believe me, I know) but it's all worth it when you come back home.


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God bless both of you.


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Good man, glad to hear you're doing well.

About the chemicals in your body though, how bout that Anthrax vaccine ? ;)

I spent 4 years as an aircraft mechanic with the Air Force, travelled a lot and what not.. South Korea too. Had to get a bunch of those vaccines. :(

I think I'm cool with Propecia, compared to that stuff! :D


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Haven't had that one yet... but if it comes down to it, i'll get it. At least it doesn't make my johnson look like a vienna sausage and hard like an overboiled noodle. (that's for you alterna-med wussies). Anyways, I'm out for a while guys. Gotta go back to work and it'll be a while before i get the chance to use a computer again. BEST of luck to you all that are still fighting the monster. But remember, the best cure to hair-loss is just accepting that you're losing it. It ain't really THAT bad ;)

I'm losing it, and I just don't care anymore. PLENTY other things to worry about now =)

Take care guys.. gonna miss yah all. Tell X I said sup next time he shows his face.
