And onto Month 6


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Not much new to report, hair's holding steady, and I'm gonna go ahead and say things are finally looking up overall. 5 months worth of finasteride/nizoral combo, and my crown is unbelievably solid, temples aren't looking half bad, and hey, when I comb my hair wet, I can barely see any scalp now. It was really crazy to take a wide toothed comb, the bane of my wet hair, run it through my soaking wet just outta the shower head, and see nothing but lotsa hair roots in the parts.

The only thing that's still depressing is that my hair is kinda fried looking still, and if I spike my shower wet hair right up, things don't look so good. But then I have nothing to compare this to, so I'm not really gonna worry about it too much, cuz I don't walk around with my hair like that.

Did some styling to try out my new hair, hehehe, things looked great. If I pulled away sections of the hair to get a better look at my situation, I saw nothing but a sliver of scalp followed by a thick wall of black hair. This is very encouraging for when I finally cut my hair again and go b ack to style it, I'm thinking things are gonna look pretty dense.

Anyway, still seeing temple growth, even more vellous hairs are turning terminal as we speak, I seem to have finished another of many sheds that seem to come in quick succession for me, the next is probably a week or two around the corner, but things are calm right now.

Hang in there guys, I'm really optimistic right now :)


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Good to hear Deaner. Do you have a thread in the tell story section?


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nope, like I've said before, there's not much to my story, started receding at an early age, decided to do something about it after noticing diffuse thinning @ age 18, and here I am. Never thought it warranted a Tell Your Story thread.

Green Soap

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Yeah baby. Woot. I'm there with ya, bro. Getting it back! HAHHAH!


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Good stuff..

Deaner I'm still not sure... is that you in your avatar ?

(I know you've been asked that a billion times.. but now I'm asking)



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hey, i've seen a few of your posts, and i've noticed the same thing (lots of hairs getting longer that pop out when i pull my hair back) but i also noticed a few posts of you saying that things were looking good and then went to complete hell, is this post before that one, did things go well and then look bad, and then get good like you mentioned here again???

sorry, i just want to know where i'm headed since it sounds like we are having similar results.
hope all is still going well!


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Right now I'm on Month 6, and things are looking pretty good I must say. There are certain moments where I'm like 'agh, my hair is shite', but all in all, I must say I think my hair is improving. Much like you, when I pull back my hair, I see all kindsa 1 inch or shorter hairs popping out all over the place. I decided to get my hair reasonably wet today and slick it all back with a comb, and I've noticed that my right temple actually looks decent from a profile view. If I get a little bit more from it, and my left temple catches up, I'll be in love with my hairline.

Things are still definitely a little thinner on top, and I've got a trouble spot in the front right portion of my hairline where the hair is a bit more diffuse than the rest. I can only hope that much of my perceived density difference between the top and back of my head at this point are simply because all the hair I'm now having grow back isn't matching the length of the rest... hey, I can dream ;)

Anyway, this post was my latest in terms of reporting the quality of my hair, cuz I did go through a phase where I thought my hair was just absolute crap. I'm not at all sure if it's because I started using softer shampoos and conditioners and such, but when I comb my hair now, y'can barely see scalp. On the scalp-o-meter, I used to be about an 8/10 when I combed my hair using a large tooth comb (big white lines where the comb teeth were), now I'm about a 2. It's a sea of black roots and such.

I'm still seeing alot of shedding though, it's been like this for a couple months now. You going through a shed of any kind? Mine's obviously not cosmetic, but I lose alotta hair every day. What's your hairline like? Are you just diffuse or are you a diffuse+receder, or what? Great to hear any responses from ya Trent8 :)


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wuts up on month 2, about to go into month 3....ive noticed some thinning in the front/temples...did u find this as well? are/did ur temples grow in a little after the initial shed? Just wondering as you are a few months ahead of me....thanx in advance my friend, best of luck!



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i would say i am a diffuse thinner, i don't have like a major receding hairline, unless i really pull my hair back then at the temples it is back a little (maybe a norwood 1.5), my problem is the hairline just got thinner and i usually spike my hair up (like the messed up hair look) and all of a sudden it just looked really really thin and i freaked out. everyday i teter between thinking all these hairs popping out are new ones and then i think they are just the ones that are dying. but there are definitely hairs in places there weren't before (like in front of my hairline) which is funny because when i wear a hat backwards it looks funny cause there are hundreds of little hairs popping out the front of the hole in the baseball cap. I CANT WIN. anyway, i'm about to hit month 3, and i had a shed at the beginning for about three weeks or so, then it just slowed down, i still shed but its not as much (hand through the hair in the shower usually gives me two, maybe three). anyway, i hope those hairs are new ones and not dying ones, if they die i don't have much of a hairline anymore (mine are also an inch longer or a little less for the "new ones"

sorry the reply is so long!