And the sh*t comes down...


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I had a good run, guys. Really, things were *seriously* picking up for me, but it seems like life is throwing me out in the cold again. I'm not quite sure how to explain this, but I'll begin with this:

2 months ago, my close Uncle committed suicide. I was very close to him. It's a sad turn of events.

Now, my father will be losing his job this October, and he's sh*t out of luck because no one will buy his house. He's going to declare bankruptcy. My mum, who depends on my dad's support, will also be up sh*t creek.

That affects me because I get a lot of help from my parents. Living in NY is not cheap by any means. Unless I find a better job, my time in school and in New York will come to an end.

My two cousins are being deployed in Baghdad this Spring. They are Marines Corps. aviation engineers, both of them. They are in a very unfortunate position. I am also close to them... big time.

And to top it off, my grandmother is terminally ill with her third strike of cancer. She's a brave lady, but she's only got a few months to live. My other grandfather, had an unfortunate spill yesterday, and had to go to the E.R....

It seems like everyone around me is dying or is going to die...

To make matters worse for myself, I put myself as having only a few months savings to keep me afloat. I may not be able to continue my education. I may enter the armed services. Are there any better ideas?

For the last few days, I've been consumed with the thought of relieving the pain. Drugs, any of them, would satiate right now... but they just cause more and more problems. f***, so why am I not drinking right now?

I really can't think straight. I couldn't organize this post. It's like my mind is trying to not get involved with *feeling* anything.


Experienced Member
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Re: And the $#iT comes down...

keep it together, you can do this you can finnish youre education, get a better job, go to intervievs. make it, be suportive to youre family come on !!!!!
And make something out of it, if it doesnt kill u it makes u stronger, if u survive this then what the fuk can stop you!!
Be strong !!

the best wishes John


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Re: And the $#iT comes down...

Aplunk1 said:
I had a good run, guys. Really, things were *seriously* picking up for me, but it seems like life is throwing me out in the cold again. I'm not quite sure how to explain this, but I'll begin with this:

2 months ago, my close Uncle committed suicide. I was very close to him. It's a sad turn of events.

Now, my father will be losing his job this October, and he's $#iT out of luck because no one will buy his house. He's going to declare bankruptcy. My mum, who depends on my dad's support, will also be up $#iT creek.

That affects me because I get a lot of help from my parents. Living in NY is not cheap by any means. Unless I find a better job, my time in school and in New York will come to an end.

My two cousins are being deployed in Baghdad this Spring. They are Marines Corps. aviation engineers, both of them. They are in a very unfortunate position. I am also close to them... big time.

And to top it off, my grandmother is terminally ill with her third strike of cancer. She's a brave lady, but she's only got a few months to live. My other grandfather, had an unfortunate spill yesterday, and had to go to the E.R....

It seems like everyone around me is dying or is going to die...

To make matters worse for myself, I put myself as having only a few months savings to keep me afloat. I may not be able to continue my education. I may enter the armed services. Are there any better ideas?

For the last few days, I've been consumed with the thought of relieving the pain. Drugs, any of them, would satiate right now... but they just cause more and more problems. f***, so why am I not drinking right now?

I really can't think straight. I couldn't organize this post. It's like my mind is trying to not get involved with *feeling* anything.

That really is a run of bad luck. I hope that your dad finds new employment but turning to drugs is not going to change any of these problems.


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Re: And the $#iT comes down...

Hey Aplunk1,

Sorry to hear your plight. As for your education, loans? bursary? Do everything you can to finish your schooling so it may help you extricate yourself from future difficult situations.

All the best.


Senior Member
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Re: And the $#iT comes down...

Be with your family/family friends. It will really help.


Established Member
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Re: And the $#iT comes down...

I co-sign with barcafan, be with your family.

I'm sorry to hear about this, I thought you were doing good.


Senior Member
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Re: And the $#iT comes down...

Nah, I'm doing okay. I dont have any family close by, however.

It's something I can't stop. Thx, guys.


New Member
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Re: And the $#iT comes down...

Rough deal brother.

I coined the phrase "What doesn't kill you, f*****g hurts". I had some very dark days early on. Now with the few more years under my belt, i see life wasn't that bad. I hope things take a turn for the better at your end.


Bald Dave

Established Member
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Re: And the $#iT comes down...

Hey Aplunk, I am really sorry to hear your situation. Keep doing your schooling and things will work out for you -trust me! You've had some bad luck but don't let this affect your life. You only have one life and you need to do the best you can. Also, try and keep in contact with your family! Ring them everyday if you have to and ressure them that everything will be alright. I know its only a phone call but trust me it will make a difference! Also, I ain't religious but I sometimes pray just before I go to sleep and I find that this comforts me! Anyway, I wish you all the best!

Best wishes,
