Angry at the person from whom you have baldness gene?


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Probably a weird topic. Don't take the name of it too seriously. From whom you have inherited male pattern baldness gene? Mine was probably from my father. He buzzes his hair to 0 since he was ~25. He is 39 now, and it appears he has stopped around NW3 - NW4. He left my mother when I was at a very young age. I must've seen him only once a year after that. I haven't seen him or talked to him in years and all he left me was this defenition of sh*t called Hair Loss. Both my grandfathers are still perfect NW1's and both are long time over 60 years old. Share your thoughts on the topic's matter. Share your family history too.


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I imagine a certain friend of mine currently sporting the most ridiculously thick head of hair would blame his norwood 7 father if he ever loses his hair (I bet he will; all the men in his family I've seen are bald.)

I can't even say who I got it from. On my dad's side, they're all bald except my actual dad, who, despite some loss of bulk on top that even he doesn't know about, he has the look of a full head of hair. On my mum's side, the bald ones apparently had hair way into their 30s and my mum's dad had a full ad dark head of hair.

I suppose it's easier to forgive the ones who pass it down to you if they're actually bald too, but seeing as my dad and granddad have/ had really good hair for their age...

Seriously though, I'm not gonna blame someone for their genetic code. Say if my mum took large amounts of crack when pregnant with me, then that would be worth bringing up, but not my parents' genes.


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it's obvious to me i got the gene from my father. as far as i know there was no history of baldness in the family before me and him. of course someone carried it and was a latent baldie without baldness manifesting itself.
apparently my father was exposed to some radiation while in military service and blamed the hair loss on that. oh the ignorance. he was unaware the same fate would befall me.

im not really mad at him. if anything i blame fate or god or whatever you wanna call it.


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Its worth pointing out that when your fathers were banging your mothers the possibility that one day their son could have a bald head probably never entered their mind. And even if it did they would probably like to imagine that any son of theirs would be man enough to take it in his stride instead of falling to pieces.

Both my grandfathers were bald from a pretty early age but when my dad was knobbin my mum to have me he still had a pretty good head of hair and even in his 60's he's not yet slick. Yet I was in my late 20's.

Most people on here have pointed out that when they mentioned hairloss to their bald fathers most of the responses were along the lines of "who gives a fu*k, its only hair".

Nashville Hairline

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fodandahalf said:
Seriously though, I'm not gonna blame someone for their genetic code. Say if my mum took large amounts of crack when pregnant with me, then that would be worth bringing up, but not my parents' genes.
I agree with this. I wont deny I've been angry with my parents about hair loss in the past and am still angry on my bad days but I'm so much on the side of hairloss being a genetic trait that has evolved over millions of years it seems almost arbitrary to blame my parents.

I'm the same about bald guys who blame themselves over a bad diet or a bad lifestyle they once had contributing to their hairloss..its just short-term thinking and doesn't stack up.


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When myself,my dad,brother,and uncle are are lined up in the same room.we look like a box of eggs.


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I got it from my mother who got it from her father. She's thinning in the same pattern as I. On my bad days I like to blame them, but it's useless really. I'm more upset about the fact that I have a birth defect (the underdeveloped thumb that had to be surgered off) when I know that my mom smoked and probably also drank a bit when she was pregnant...


My father and both grandfathers = full heads of hair. Plus, there is no one bald in the family. Me = severely balding at 21. My brother = starts to balding the same as me, and he's 24. Where's the logic here?

I really can't blame my parents because they couldn't predict this outcome, but still it pisses me off.

Embarassing to say it, but I sometimes wonder if my father is my real father...seriously, the odds that I'll be balding badly at this age must have been extremely small.


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s.a.f said:
Most people on here have pointed out that when they mentioned hairloss to their bald fathers most of the responses were along the lines of "who gives a fu*k, its only hair".

lol i remmember one guy saying he cried together with his father over hairloss.

anyways, i know i said it's only me and my father, but i do have a bald uncle on mothers side, not sure why i forgot to mention him, i guess it's mostly because he didn't loose it till he was alot older (late 40's i think).

and he told me the same thing ''it's nothing. don't be a f*****'''. Ironically he's so embarresed over his own baldness he wouldn't be caught dead without his bassebal cap. i've yet to see him exposed. the way he deals with baldness doesn't add much credibility to his words.


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I think it would bother me more if I had a sibling with great hair and I was bald. My brother has more hair loss than me but he does not use any treatments. My dad and his brother are totally opposites with hair and they are both in their 70's. One with a full head of hair, the other totally bald( my dad). Ironically their father was totally bald(NW7). The genes obviously split. My dad's mother side has the good hair so I guess his brother got that and I got it too. It's basically a genetic lottery. Or maybe its Dr Proctor's Proxiphen that has been defying my genetics................................... :whistle: What do you think Jacob?...................................................... :whistle:


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Ya man I disowned my father cause even though he gave me life, he gave me hair loss ........... Honestly is this thread for real ? If the person you got hair loss from didn't have help create you, you wouldn't be here so would you rather be non existent or alive and bald ? I mean pretty retarded that this is even a discussion.


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Buzzlightyear said:
Ya man I disowned my father cause even though he gave me life, he gave me hair loss ........... Honestly is this thread for real ? If the person you got hair loss from didn't have help create you, you wouldn't be here so would you rather be non existent or alive and bald ? I mean pretty retarded that this is even a discussion.

Read the first post. I said not to take the topic 100% serious. You're supposed to read the OP's message too, not just the title. Or are you doing this all the time, smartass?

uncomfortable man

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You may as well get angry at the sunrise. Blaming is futile.


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monty1978 said:
I wouldn't blame my dad or mum if they knew for a fact creating me would mean I would go bald. Baldness upsets me because I am overly sensitive to it for a inumerable amount of reasons, they couldn't have known that, the way I feel about it is my responsibility!

I blame my mum and dad for creating me,full wonder it took my mum 17hrs too give birth to me,I obviously didnt want too come out!


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Buzzlightyear said:
Honestly is this thread for real ? If the person you got hair loss from didn't have help create you, you wouldn't be here so would you rather be non existent or alive and bald?

LOL you really dont want to ask that question on here! :woot:


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Buzzlightyear said:
Honestly is this thread for real ? If the person you got hair loss from didn't have help create you, you wouldn't be here so would you rather be non existent or alive and bald ?

Are you really asking that? I'd rather be non existent, and this is not a joke. Although baldness isn't the only reason for that, but still. I am one of those ppl who shouldn't have been born, there was just too much against my odds from the beginning.


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ghg said:
Buzzlightyear said:
Honestly is this thread for real ? If the person you got hair loss from didn't have help create you, you wouldn't be here so would you rather be non existent or alive and bald ?

Are you really asking that? I'd rather be non existent, and this is not a joke. Although baldness isn't the only reason for that, but still. I am one of those ppl who shouldn't have been born, there was just too much against my odds from the beginning.

yeah i know that feeling so well, had experienced it for years. i've been taking things more easy as of late but with hair loss worsening i could potentially fall back.


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ghg said:
Buzzlightyear said:
Honestly is this thread for real ? If the person you got hair loss from didn't have help create you, you wouldn't be here so would you rather be non existent or alive and bald ?

Are you really asking that? I'd rather be non existent, and this is not a joke. Although baldness isn't the only reason for that, but still. I am one of those ppl who shouldn't have been born, there was just too much against my odds from the beginning.

Thats all we are,a one in a million chance....just a sperm and an egg.


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Exodus2011 said:
i'd rather not exist as well

but chit, we gotta do the best we can do cuz we exist now. and the self preservation instinct is so strong none of us here have the guts to commit suicide and overcome it

Yes it does take courage too commit also takes a real sense of awareness in oneself.It annoys me when people say it is the cowards way out.We are all going to die anyway,why prolong the agony if you have had enough....


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monty1978 said:
I think it takes balls to kills yourself in a way. I'm quite a brave person I think, done some crazy risky things but I could never do that willingly!

One never know what one is capable of when reaching the limits.