Another Hair Cloning Attempt...Not Sure What to Make of it


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Not sure what to make of this...


Approximately 50 hair-containing follicular units (or grafts) are taken from the patient under local anesthetic. This is about a 30 minute procedure and would involve removing the follicular units from the back or side of the head with a tiny punch extractor. The patient’s own hair should comfortably hide the harvest sites and he/she can go back to normal life almost immediately and there would be no long lasting scars. Initially these follicular units would be cryopreserved and banked until needed.
When required, some of the follicular units would be taken from the bank and processed to isolate the specific cells involved in the production of the hair shaft itself. These cells would be grown in culture our MHRA licensed laboratory and they would divide and multiply rapidly over 2-4 weeks. These expanded cells would then be transported back to our clinic and micro-injected into the patient’s scalp where needed where they would be expected to migrate to miniaturizing follicles and rebuild the thinning vellus hairs causing them to produce thicker terminal hair shafts and regain a more youthful appearance. In a later version of the product injected cells would be able to create brand new hair follicles by a process called follicle neogenesis.


Individuals who bank their hair follicles with HairClone® have around 50 to 100 follicles taken as a sample while they still have healthy hair.

These hair follicles go through a cryopreservation process to keep them intact, and then they are stored in a sub-zero facility (typically -180°C or 292°F) until they’re needed.

When the individual begins to notice hair loss the frozen hair cells can be thawed then certain cells multiplied many times in the lab, then sent back to the doctor for injection into the patient’s scalp.

Ralph Wiggum

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Don't make anything of it, there isn't enough evidence yet that it's going to amount to anything.


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Some MD in Florida with one office and a handful of medical assistants is going to do something that Tsuji with a biologic research lab and trained scientists couldn't do on an entire tissue research campus? This guy is planning on suckers funding his retirement with annuity payments for cold storage. Guy is another Bernie Madoff.


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Some MD in Florida with one office and a handful of medical assistants is going to do something that Tsuji with a biologic research lab and trained scientists couldn't do on an entire tissue research campus? This guy is planning on suckers funding his retirement with annuity payments for cold storage. Guy is another Bernie Madoff.

You make it sound like this biologic research lab did it on their own. Of course they didn't: the technology would (supposedly) have come from the Hairclone company. (Dr. Kemp, Dr. Higgins etc.)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall one of the Hairclone doctors, possibly Kemp, is on the record for saying that a treatment would become available through some of their affiliate in Q1 2021, and later he specified that due to the coronavirus this would be delayed to summer 2021. I can no longer find the interview or statement, but I think it might have been on hairsite.


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Well let's get on to something more productive:

...Now let's talk about the slow release of alien technology and its cover-up by the government. Time for them to release extraterrestrial knowledge of genetic manipulation for hair-cloning. No more speculation about Musk's hair transplant, he IS an alien. ('course everyone knew that).


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What an unfortunate name.

This is just an affiliate of Hairclone. It's completely legit, they will extract your follicles and send them to Hairclone where they will be banked until cloning is available. Hairclone is run by the guy from Intercytex. They are going to release an Intercytex/Replicel type of cell-based treatment first, and are trying to do hair multiplication later.