Another quick question


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With higher hair density and earlier stages of male pattern baldness, is the shedding experienced on finasteride less noticable, or perhaps non-existent? For instance, for someone who catches their male pattern baldness fairly early with quite a bit of density on top still, will they experience lesser shedding than somebody who's already lost quite a bit? Is it a tossup? Is it possible to entirely avoid shedding?

I'm really worried about this shedding business, because although I don't lose (noticably) more than 3 or 4 hairs per shower, losing more would be disconcerting to tell you the truth. I don't think I can take shedding, cosmetically, especially considering how short my hair is at the moment.

Either way though, finasteride or minoxidil, I'm screwed, and from the sounds of it, minoxidil sheds are even worse. And since I'm not looking for any disgusting regrowth (just looking to match my slightly thinning top to the back of my head in density), I figured finasteride and nizoral would be my best bet.

Has anybody at ALL had just minor sheds (say, me going from 3-4 hairs to maybe 10 each shower), or maybe no extra shedding whatsoever? Are there any factors in hair (like above stated question) that influence how much shedding occurs?

I DONT EVEN CARE IF MY TEMPLES COME BACK (although that would be nice), I just want this damn density on top to be even with the rest of my head :(

Any responses are appreciated,


What people fail to realise is that shedding is inevitable. Just like if you did not suffer from hairloss you will shed hair.

finasteride will just cause more shedding becuase that means it's working in most cases. My other guess is that you will notice the shedding. Most people probably won't so I would not worry about it.


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So basically, the shedding is inevitable, but it'll grow back? Chances are, if my hair's not too thin right now, then it won't be cosmetically noticable? That's all I'm really worried about. I'm not that worried about the shedding itself, I'm worried about the loss and then no hairs coming back in to replace it in good time. So as long as the shedding isn't cosmetically noticable, I'm okay with that.


I have been on finasteride, minoxidil and nizoral for about 10 months now, and I can't say I have noticed any shed, my male pattern baldness is fairly obvious so I think I would notice, but who knows maybe I shed slowly, or maybe the shed will happen after a year or so???



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losing hair is normal even if the drugs work you will still lose hair(shed)
they will just grow back after wards 4 hairs per shower is nothing its normal to lose a 150 a day and thats for someone with out hair loss


Deaner said:
So basically, the shedding is inevitable, but it'll grow back? Chances are, if my hair's not too thin right now, then it won't be cosmetically noticable? That's all I'm really worried about. I'm not that worried about the shedding itself, I'm worried about the loss and then no hairs coming back in to replace it in good time. So as long as the shedding isn't cosmetically noticable, I'm okay with that.

More or less, because finasteride is shedding the hairs then you have a great chance of growing them back. But don't expect hair to grow back where it has been slick bald for a number of years. If you have hair and that hair falls out because of finasteride then assume that finasteride is doing its job. And as I said before, I would not worry about shedding. You notice it because you look in the mirror each day trying to pick faults. Most people that you meet everyday will not even notice this shed. The only way they will notice is if you go bald because of a shed. That just aint going to happen. I hope my confidence makes you feel better. I hope it makes sense what I am saying!


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Hahaha, don't worry, I'm not slick bald anywhere. I'm only 18, and I've caught my male pattern baldness fairly early. Only thing slick bald is my temples, and they've been like that for a while. But again, it doesn't matter to me if they grow back or not. I've always been able to style my hair taking them into account and still look good. I just wanna regrow the areas that are obviously on their way out.

P.S. Yea, your confidence did make me feel better :p I'm just a little on edge, because I'm about to go get a prescription to Proscar and nizoral 2% today (if all goes well), and then fill those prescriptions shortly after, and begin my regiment.

BTW Tynan, how much success have you had with that regiment, and how advanced was your male pattern baldness when you started? Thanks

Thanks for all replies!


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im also scare to go to the doctor and take finasteride because of the shed factor.
i am waiting for my hair loss to get worse and then im going to get on finasteride.
im on rogaine 5% on the back of my head now but if that starts to shed im going to buy toppik or dermmatch until it regrows

The shedder

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I've only been losing my hair for two years and I've been shedding while on propecia.. And it is noticable, I just cut my hair short.. Hope that helps


BTW Tynan, how much success have you had with that regiment, and how advanced was your male pattern baldness when you started? Thanks

I think my regime has been pretty good for me, I was getting slick at the back (sounds dirty!) and pretty thin in a channel running back to front along the top of my head (about two or three inches wide) plus the front was getting a bit 'see-thru' usual male pattern baldness stuff, I have been on my regime for around nine or ten months and I now have a thin covering over these problem areas, definately going in the right direction, no noticeable sheds no irritated scalp, no real problems (are these giant tits normal ;-)).

Got a fine downey growth everywhere I rub in the minoxidil, quite long now at about an inch, and bizarrely for someone who has never had a black hair near his light coloured head, a smattering of jet black hairs, visualy I can really see it filling in :) friends have noticed and commented unprompted, and my girlfriend who cuts my hair every two weeks(ish), who was not told that I was on minoxidil/finasteride, really started to comment on the change, again this was not prompted with any 'is my hair growing back? is it? is it? is it? tell me it is' questions.

I missed three weeks of minoxidil a couple of months back :freaked2: and again my girlfriend noticed that I had lost a little ground with out me telling her I had missed the three weeks, It took around double that time (6 weeks or about there) to catch up to where I was before my minoxidil holiday.

so far, so good
