Another shed post


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Hi, all
I am a newbie here and read various thread about baldness treatment for some time as a lurker. Everyone is kind here and friendly atmosphere lead me to pluck up courage to turn for help (My English is awkward since I am non-native speaker, sorry about this:$)
I learned statement called “Finasteride Shedâ€￾ and "Minoxidil shed"here and actually I am suffering this untoward event... To be more exact, I haven't encountered serious finasteride shedding or Min Shedding like some people depicted in their story and only lost around 20-30 strands of hair when I rinsed my hair (sometimes less than 20 strands), also, having little and no hair on pillow after I getting up every morning. But the problem is my hair was becoming increasing thiner and softer since I started to use finasteride and Min three months ago. Even the newborn hair is softer and thin now, so my hair appears sparser than the time I haven't started to use finasteride and Minoxidil... I am confused about this since I can't distinguish, finasteride and Min, which one leads my hair to
become thining then I want to ask two questions below...

1. Some people said that excess 5α enzyme inhibitor (namely Finasteride or Dutasteride) will thin and soften the hair because proper quantities of DHT can promote hair becoming thick and hard. Under this scenario, some people only have 3/4 pill of finasteride could keep preferable effect, whereas other people's hair increasingly become thin and soft even they have the excess finasteride or dutasteride. Is this statement tenable? I only know the DHT is prime criminal of follicle shrink.

2. About finasteride shedding and Min Shedding, Does anybody konw how to distinguish them? Some say finasteride shedding can lead overall hair to become thin even includes places are insensitive to DHT, namely two temples and back side of head, while Min shedding only appears on places you applied it.

I will appreciate if you can give me some ideas or advices.


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1) DHT is known to promote body hair growth and cause scalp hairloss. Neither finasteride gets rid of all DHT so there will still be some circulating.

2)minoxidil can cause a shed only when it is applied to areas that are suffering from hairloss because it kind of kicks the follicles into gear again forcing the follicle to shed the hair and regrow thicker hair. finasteride wont cause hair to thin, certainly not at the back since these areas are not genetically prone to be affected by DHT.

Thanks for input. It seems that proper quantities of DHT can make hair on head hard and thick is fallacy as you said. As to finasteride shed, that shouldn't be there based on finasteride's working way but it seems that exists, and many people talk about it in this board after all..It's quite bewildering.