Another shedding question, concerning hairline


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This question is for those with receding/thinning hairlines and shedding. I'm at about the 6 month mark on finasteride, and up until this point I was fairly happy with the result. I've never noticed a crazy amount of hair falling out, and things have been looking ok. But literally in the span of a month or so, my hairline has gotten signifigantly worse. There's no real line there anymore, up close its all tattered looking and un-uniform. Has anyone noticed this during a "shed"? And more importantly has anyone experienced anything similar and had the hair come back? I'm hoping that every weak hair in my hairline just dropped at once and will return, but it seems a little far-fetched

Thanks in advance


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ive seen my hairline get worse at roughly month 5 or 6 on finasteride. a fair bit worse, so you could see all the way through the scalp where a few months earlier you couldnt. before starting finasteride, my hairline HUGELY and dramatically thinned over only about 3 months, i think it mustve lost about 30% density in that time, no kidding!! it was perfectly thick and straight, and then 3 months later, bam, it was much much thinner and the temples had gone in (only a little bit, but still a bit).

at month 9 now, am pleased to say that temporal recession hasnt progressed over the 9 months ive been on finasteride, and since the shed in month 5 or 6 at the hairline, its slowly gotten better. not quick enough for me to notice it getting better, but enough for me to notice now that its better than it was at the 5/6 month mark.

take photos, i suggest, even though i didnt.

hope this helps.