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I took my first anti-anxiety medication about 1 hour ago. It was a dissolving tablet called clonapin. The relief from the psychic pain is incredible. I actually got hungry, and wolfed down some leftover food here in the office. This is the first solid food I've eaten in about 1.5 days.

I've found that I'm able to not fixated on looking at my hair, and am able to read hair loss posts without blinding anxiety. I'm going to try to read some literature reviews tonight, see if my concerntration improves.

Gentlemen, if you have have an anxiety problem, please don't hesitate to see a psychiatrist. I was ashamed to see one, but it really can make a difference. Last night, I was at the absolute brink. The difference I feel now is immeasurable.


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imissmyhair said:
anyside effects? :shock:

No. I just feel more calm. And I am not constantly going to the mirror to stare at myself.

This medication is short term, only. I only intend to use it when the anxiety becomes to intense to bear. I am not joking when I said I was on the brink last night.


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Weepy- do you have panic attacks? I know their pretty much the same thing as anxiety attacks, but generalized anxiety is a little different.
I suffered from them too. Xanax works wonders also

tu pac

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Man ive suffer from exteme anxiety'n panic attacks my whole life,when my hair loss became very noticeable,my anxiety litterly paralized me,I already dissmised my social life,I could barely look my own parents in the eyes.I was off and on dep meds since I can remember tried em all. Im on em now, you still feel embarassement and shame though just less weight on the chest you deffinetly sleep and eat better which will help keep your body in the right cycles. ? can phycological breakdowns with out intiall hair loss trigger male pattern baldness I believe it does fore sure


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iv been taking valium for years, funny enough im not dependant on it, i just take occasionally for those very bad days, when im climbing the walls.


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yea i often become paralized from anxiety. it used to be pretty bad, and that is what inspired me to do something about hairloss. Im prescribed xanax, but i dont like taking them. sometimes i feel that i need to just deal with sh*t myself without the help of drugs. But i knw its really hard, and ur situation isnt unique.

believe it or not, when i was getting this bad anxiety last year i began to workout frequently, and that helped tremendously. im still self-concious and get anxiety, but the main thing is trying not to be your own worst-enemy. You have to notice that you are taking steps to reduce or stop hairloss and you really cant do anything about it. I would be so down on myself it led to drug use (like illegal sh*t), and i had to fall hard to actually realize what the f*** was going on with me.
Remember, dont be so hard on yoursleves. if the anti-anxiety helps you then more power to you, sorry for the rant, just trying to express my on-going battle with anxiety


The Gardener

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I second what Blunts says. I'm in therapy for anxiety, and physical exercise is an excellent treatment.

A great workout, half hour of lifting and resistance, followed by a half hour run, cuts through the fog in my brain and restores my focus, vitality, and optimism. When I KNOW I have a tough day coming, I'll get up a half hour earlier and hit the pool and get in a good swim.


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tu pac said:
can phycological breakdowns with out intiall hair loss trigger male pattern baldness I believe it does fore sure
Of course it can..just imagine all the strange chemicals being least for me it was like being in a car accident all over again....

tu pac

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I agree that exercise, runninig, workingout espesially workin your body to physical exaution deffinitly is a short term solution to ease anxiety, and put your mind at ease, also the better fit and overall health your body is in the better chance you have of winning any battle that concerns your body. The hard part is gettin of your ***, IT s even harder when your already down to boot,MY problem with phycological help is that it costs a fortune, though you cant really put a price on your mental health but $150 an hour (godam!) plus these hair drugs, and all this with no guaruntee in sucess with either, becomes a problem on its own, it seems that this fuckin male pattern baldness is rakin up a big price tag in all aspects, IM startin to think Id rather be bald and have dough then have some shite hair and broke, naa definitly want the hair.